Download The New Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work Social Habits Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten

Social Habits
Development of self-concept,
self-control, life skills,
self-help skills, habit formation,
social relationship,
group interaction and
pro-social behaviour









in our


We are learning:

• to understand directions

to use and read maps

• about Earth and its landforms

• to recognize community helpers

● about our community

● about other cultures

. character education

respect for others

● life skills


Me on the Map

My School

My City

My State

My Country



Achievement Standards Social Habits Nursery 1 Age 3 Nursery 2 Age 4 Kindergarten Age 5



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Kindergarten Age 5 Third Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Kindergarten Age 5 Second Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Kindergarten Age 5 First Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Nursery 2 Age 4 Third Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Nursery 2 Age 4 Second Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Nursery 2 Age 4 First Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Nursery 1 Age 3 Third Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Nursery 1 Age 3 Second Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Social Habits Nursery 1 Age 3 First Term

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