Primary 4 or Basic 4 Scheme of Work Scheme of Work For Primary FourBasic 4 Primary 4 or Basic 4 Primary 4 Scheme of Work First Term Primary 4 Scheme of Work Second Term Primary 4 Scheme of Work Third Term Spread the Word, Share This!FacebookWhatsAppTelegramMoreLinkedInEmailThreadsPrintReddit Recommend Posts:All Subjects Primary 4 Second Term Lesson NotesLinks Of Subjects Primary 4 First Term Scheme of workPrimary 4 Civic Education 1st, 2nd and 3rd Term Lesson NotesPrimary 4 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term SchemeUseful Subjects LinksAgricultural Science Primary 4 First Term, Second Term and Third Term Scheme of work With Lesson NotesSECOND TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 4 ENGLISH STUDIESPrimary 6 or Basic 6 Scheme of WorkPreparation of compost manureSECOND TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 4 Agricultural Science Tags:First Term, Primary 4, SECOND TERM, Third Term