Forming Adverbs from Adjectives.


Class: Basic 5

Subject: English Studies

Topic: Forming Adverbs from Adjectives.


Adverbs are words that tell us more about a verb. They go with verbs to tell us when, how, and where an action took place. They are usually formed by adding ‘-ly’ to an adjective.

For example:

Clever – cleverly

Quick – quickly

Slow – slowly


When the adjective ends in – y, we will change the ‘y’ to letter ‘ily’.

Happy – happily

Angry – angrily



Form adverbs from the adjectives.


1.) heavy – __________________

2.) fearful – _________________

3.) sudden – ________________

4.) joyful – __________________

5.) attentive – _______________

6.) noisy – __________________

7.) eager – __________________

8.) serious – ________________

9.) easy – ___________________

10.) gentle – ________________

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