Tag: Examination

Primary 5 Class 5 Basic 5 Second Term Examination

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Which of the following a characteristics of living things (a) growth (b) respirations (c) collaborations (d) excretion MR NIGER D is an acronym used to represent the characteristics of _____ (a) non-living things (b) living things (c) living crops (d) living vegetation ______ is a

KG Examination Read and write sounds SECOND TERM EXAMINATION

  SECOND TERM EXAMINATION.  SUBJECT: Phonics . CLASS: K.G. DATE: _______________________________. TIME: 1 HOUR. NAME: _______________________________________________ Read and write sounds a – z Match together the same letter sounds P t Z s W p t v S z V u U w How many vowel sounds do we have ——————. Write out the vowel

Basic Science. CLASS K.G ONE

  SECOND TERM EXAMINATION. 2014/2015. SUBJECT: Basic Science. CLASS: K.G. DATE: _______________________________. TIME: 1 HOUR. NAME: _______________________________________________ Dirty clothes should be worn everyday. ( Yes / No ) Blowing the nose keeps it ————— (a) clean (b)dirty (c) dusty. Farm animals live in the ———— (a) toilet (b) farm (c) radio. The baby of dog

First Term Primary 4 Mathematics Suggested Examination Questions

CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS First Term Examination     NAME: Add N6.70k and N16.43k together. (a) N28.16k (b) N23.13k (c) N29.23k (d) N19.75k Find the difference of N 25.19k and N 27.81k (a) N 9.16k (b) N 3.75k (c) N2.62k (d) N4.17k Write in words N 1111.11k(a) Eleven thousand and eleven (b) eleven hundred


FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2015/2016 CLASS: PRIMARY 5                                         SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME: ……………………………………………………………………… 1.)A __________ is a physical structure with roof, doors and window. (a) home (b) hoof (c) house 2.)There are ________ types of houses. (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 3.)The types of houses are _____________ and ______________.                 (a) village and  city houses


FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2015/2016 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:………………………………………………………………………. Section A: Objective Test 1.)The cooking of food in a pot of enough water is ___________ (a) frying (b) boiling (c) roasting (d) smoking 2.)When cooking beans, water should ________ the food (a) not cover (b) cover (c) fill (d) burst 3.)The cooking of

Basic Science Mention four parts of your body K.G 2 Exams Samples

SUBJECT: Basic Science.                    CLASS: K.G. DATE: ________________________________. TIME: 1 HOUR. NAME: ___________________________________________           1.  Mention four parts of your body       (i)                   (ii)            (iii) 5.   The cotton wool found in the first aid box is use for _____________________________________      6.   Zoo animals are the animals

Primary One suggested Past Question Mathematics

  suggested past question primary one CLASS: Basic 1                              SUBJECT: Mathematics   NAME: …………………………………………………………………… Instruction: Answer the following questions 1.)  Fill in the missing numbers    a. 57      ______      ______ _____ b. 89      ______      ______ _____ c. 17      ______      ______ _____ d. 27      ______      ______ _____  2) Rearrange the numbers in the correct counting