Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 Second Term Lesson

Christian Religious Studies – Primary 6

Second Term Mid-Term Assessment

General Instructions

  • Answer all questions.
  • Write your answers in the spaces provided.
  • Be neat and legible.

Part A: Objective Questions

(Choose the correct option: a, b, c, or d)

  1. ______ means thinking only about yourself and not caring about others.
    a. Love
    b. Generosity
    c. Selfishness
    d. Kindness
    Answer: c
  2. The bond between Jonathan and David was based on ______.
    a. jealousy
    b. hatred
    c. true friendship
    d. money
    Answer: c
  3. The love between Jonathan and David teaches us to ______.
    a. hate others
    b. help our friends
    c. avoid our enemies
    d. compete with others
    Answer: b
  4. A Christian way of exercising moderation means ______.
    a. showing self-control
    b. being selfish
    c. overindulging
    d. being greedy
    Answer: a
  5. ______ is a reward of being selfless.
    a. Loneliness
    b. Happiness
    c. Distrust
    d. Conflict
    Answer: b
  6. Excessive love of money leads to ______.
    a. blessings
    b. destruction
    c. wisdom
    d. peace
    Answer: b
  7. Proverbs 11:25 says, “The generous soul will be made ______.”
    a. lonely
    b. rich
    c. poor
    d. angry
    Answer: b
  8. Selfishness destroys ______.
    a. relationships
    b. blessings
    c. happiness
    d. knowledge
    Answer: a
  9. Christians should exercise moderation in ______.
    a. dressing
    b. eating
    c. speaking
    d. all of the above
    Answer: d
  10. Showing unselfish love means ______.
    a. thinking about yourself
    b. putting others first
    c. ignoring others’ needs
    d. being envious of others
    Answer: b
  11. The Bible teaches us to love our ______.
    a. enemies
    b. neighbors
    c. friends only
    d. family only
    Answer: b
  12. The opposite of selfishness is ______.
    a. selflessness
    b. hatred
    c. greed
    d. pride
    Answer: a
  13. Moderation in dressing means wearing clothes that are ______.
    a. decent and appropriate
    b. expensive
    c. revealing
    d. colorful
    Answer: a
  14. Excessive love of money is also called ______.
    a. generosity
    b. contentment
    c. greed
    d. selflessness
    Answer: c
  15. Christians are encouraged to help the ______.
    a. poor and needy
    b. rich only
    c. greedy people
    d. selfish people
    Answer: a
  16. One consequence of selfishness is ______.
    a. stronger friendships
    b. loneliness
    c. happiness
    d. blessings
    Answer: b
  17. True friendship is based on ______.
    a. trust
    b. jealousy
    c. competition
    d. lies
    Answer: a
  18. Unselfish love means helping others without ______.
    a. expecting anything in return
    b. showing kindness
    c. sharing with them
    d. respecting them
    Answer: a
  19. Selfish people often lose ______.
    a. blessings
    b. respect
    c. friends
    d. all of the above
    Answer: d
  20. Christians should use their money and wealth to ______.
    a. help others
    b. buy everything they want
    c. show off
    d. boast about their riches
    Answer: a

Part B: Theory Questions

  1. Define selfishness.
  2. Explain why selfishness is harmful to relationships.
  3. Write out Proverbs 11:25 and explain its meaning.
  4. Describe the love between Jonathan and David.
  5. State three dangers of excessive love of money.
  6. What does it mean to show moderation in dressing?
  7. Why should Christians exercise moderation in all they do?
  8. Mention two rewards of being selfless.
  9. How can you show unselfish love to your neighbors?
  10. State three benefits of being generous to others.
  11. What are the consequences of being selfish?
  12. How does selfishness destroy teamwork?
  13. Why is true friendship important in our lives?
  14. Mention two ways Christians can use their money wisely.
  15. What does Philippians 2:3-4 teach us about selflessness?
  16. List three examples of selfish actions.
  17. What can you do to avoid being selfish?
  18. How can excessive love of money affect a person’s behavior?
  19. Mention two qualities of a true friend.
  20. Why is it important for Christians to help the needy?

Part C: True or False Questions

  1. Selfishness helps to build strong relationships. (False)
  2. Christians are encouraged to be selfless and kind. (True)
  3. The love between Jonathan and David was based on jealousy. (False)
  4. Greed is the same as generosity. (False)
  5. Selflessness destroys friendships. (False)
  6. Proverbs 11:25 encourages us to be generous. (True)
  7. Christians should love only their family and friends. (False)
  8. Selfishness often leads to loneliness and distrust. (True)
  9. True friends help each other in times of need. (True)
  10. Showing unselfish love brings joy and happiness. (True)
  11. Christians should exercise moderation in dressing and speaking. (True)
  12. Greed leads to blessings and happiness. (False)
  13. Selfish people are often admired by others. (False)
  14. True friendship is based on honesty and trust. (True)
  15. Selfless people are rewarded by God. (True)
  16. It is good to boast about your riches. (False)
  17. Helping others shows unselfish love. (True)
  18. Selfishness encourages teamwork and cooperation. (False)
  19. Excessive love of money can destroy relationships. (True)
  20. Christians are called to be generous to the poor. (True)

Part D: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Selfishness means thinking only about ______.
  2. The Bible encourages us to show ______ to our neighbors.
  3. True friends help each other in ______ of need.
  4. Proverbs 11:25 says, “The ______ soul will be made rich.”
  5. Excessive love of ______ is dangerous for Christians.
  6. ______ is the opposite of selfishness.
  7. Christians should exercise ______ in all they do.
  8. Selfishness can destroy ______ with others.
  9. Christians should love their ______ as themselves.
  10. Showing unselfish love brings ______ and happiness.
  11. Selfless people are ______ by others.
  12. The love between Jonathan and David teaches us the value of ______.
  13. ______ often leads to loneliness and conflict.
  14. Philippians 2:3-4 teaches us to value others above ______.
  15. Generous people are ______ by God.
  16. Christians should use their ______ to help others.
  17. One consequence of selfishness is ______.
  18. Greed is another word for excessive love of ______.
  19. Christians are called to help the ______ and needy.
  20. Teamwork is impossible without ______.

Ensure pupils answer all questions to the best of their ability. Marking schemes can be developed based on the correct answers provided above.