FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 CLASS: BASIC FOUR      SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS    TIME: 1 HOUR It is the responsibility of the _____ to cater for the family. (a)father (b)infants (c)siblings (d)visitor We can care for our shoes by ____ them. (a)polishing (b)soaking (c)drying (d)cutting Things which we use for the cleaning of our homes are known as

Third Term Examinations Primary 4 CRS

THIRD TERM   SUBJECT: C.R.S                                  CLASS: PRIMARY 4 Underline the correct answer  1)            was a blind beggar (a)Zacchaeus     (b)Bartimeaus   (c)Judas  2)    Jesus was leaving             when he met a blind beggar by the roadside (a)Jerusalem  (b)Jebba   (c)Jericho  3)       

2nd Term English Pry 3 Exams

2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE   NAME:   Section A: Comprehension It was Akons day to wash the plates. She took out all the plates, cups, glasses and pots. While doing the washing-up, a fly came buzzing in her ear. As she tried to hit it with one hand, a

Primary 5 Bible Knowledge First Term Examinations

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1. Who was delivered from the Den of lions? (a) Shedrack (b) Meshach (c) Abednego (d) Daniel   2. God provided _____ and _______ for the Israelites in the desert (a) bread and butter manna and quails (c) manual and quays (d) bread

Bible Knowledge Primary 4 Second Term Examination

  SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… __________ means to commit an offence or break God’s law (a) pardon (b) forgive (c) sin Examples of people who received forgiveness in the bible are ______ and ______(a) Paul and Silas (b) James and John (c) the Prodigal Son and the Paralytic

Bible Knowledge Primary 6 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:…………………………………………………………… Objective: Answer all the questions 1.) Paul’s former name was _____________ (a) Samuel (b) Saul (c) Stephen 2.) Saul was a ______________ by profession (a) plumber (b) teacher (c) tent maker 3.) Paul was a _______________ by birth (a) Jew (b) Christian (c) Muslim
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