First Term Examination Physical and Health Education Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Subject: Physical and Health Education

Class: Primary 1

Term: First Term



  1. Running is usually __________ than walking.
    • a) slower
    • b) faster
    • c) equal
    • d) backward
  2. __________ is the act of using your leg to hit a ball.
    • a) Catching
    • b) Throwing
    • c) Kicking
    • d) Skipping
  3. Throwing a ball requires extending your __________.
    • a) head
    • b) arm
    • c) leg
    • d) back
  4. __________ is the act of holding a thrown object.
    • a) Kicking
    • b) Catching
    • c) Striking
    • d) Running
  5. In athletics, a 50m dash is a __________ distance race.
    • a) long
    • b) medium
    • c) short
    • d) ultra
  6. A marathon is an example of a __________ distance race.
    • a) short
    • b) medium
    • c) long
    • d) quick
  7. __________ involves hitting an object with a bat.
    • a) Kicking
    • b) Striking
    • c) Throwing
    • d) Skipping
  8. When jumping, you should bend your __________ to land safely.
    • a) arms
    • b) head
    • c) knees
    • d) back
  9. Skipping is jumping lightly from one __________ to the other.
    • a) hand
    • b) foot
    • c) arm
    • d) leg
  10. Stretching before exercise helps to prepare the __________.
    • a) bones
    • b) muscles
    • c) eyes
    • d) ears
  11. __________ is a type of jump done with both feet.
    • a) Hopping
    • b) Standing jump
    • c) Skipping
    • d) Running
  12. To avoid injuries, always follow the correct __________.
    • a) speed
    • b) technique
    • c) distance
    • d) height
  13. __________ is done by moving forward step by step.
    • a) Running
    • b) Walking
    • c) Hopping
    • d) Leaping
  14. Safety in athletics includes __________ water during a race.
    • a) avoiding
    • b) spilling
    • c) drinking
    • d) ignoring
  15. A leap involves jumping from one foot and landing on the __________.
    • a) same foot
    • b) other foot
    • c) hand
    • d) head
  16. When catching a ball, you should __________ it quickly.
    • a) throw
    • b) drop
    • c) hold
    • d) kick
  17. Long-distance races require running at a __________ pace.
    • a) slow
    • b) fast
    • c) steady
    • d) backward
  18. One safety rule in jumping is to __________ your knees when landing.
    • a) bend
    • b) straighten
    • c) twist
    • d) lock
  19. Listening to the teacher’s __________ is important for safety.
    • a) instructions
    • b) jokes
    • c) stories
    • d) songs
  20. __________ is faster than walking.
    • a) Sitting
    • b) Jumping
    • c) Running
    • d) Standing
  21. __________ before running helps prevent injuries.
    • a) Sitting
    • b) Stretching
    • c) Eating
    • d) Sleeping
  22. The proper technique for throwing includes extending your __________.
    • a) leg
    • b) arm
    • c) head
    • d) hand
  23. Safety rules in throwing include making sure the area is __________.
    • a) crowded
    • b) clear
    • c) busy
    • d) noisy
  24. A __________ jump involves jumping from a standing position.
    • a) hop
    • b) leap
    • c) skip
    • d) standing
  25. Using your leg to hit a ball is called __________.
    • a) striking
    • b) kicking
    • c) throwing
    • d) catching
  26. Following the correct __________ helps to avoid injuries.
    • a) speed
    • b) distance
    • c) technique
    • d) height
  27. __________ is the act of using your leg to hit a ball.
    • a) Catching
    • b) Throwing
    • c) Kicking
    • d) Skipping
  28. Jumping on one foot and landing on the same foot is called a __________.
    • a) hop
    • b) skip
    • c) leap
    • d) jump
  29. Skipping can be done by jumping over __________ repeatedly.
    • a) balls
    • b) ropes
    • c) hurdles
    • d) chairs
  30. One example of a long-distance race is the __________.
    • a) 50m dash
    • b) sprint
    • c) marathon
    • d) leap

True or False Questions

  1. Running is slower than walking.
    • True
    • False
  2. Kicking involves using your hand to hit a ball.
    • True
    • False
  3. Stretching before exercise is important.
    • True
    • False
  4. In a 50m dash, you need to run at a slow pace.
    • True
    • False
  5. Jumping safely involves bending your knees when landing.
    • True
    • False
  6. Throwing a ball requires extending your leg.
    • True
    • False
  7. Listening to the teacher’s instructions is important for safety.
    • True
    • False
  8. Catching a ball is the act of holding a thrown object.
    • True
    • False
  9. A marathon is an example of a short-distance race.
    • True
    • False
  10. Striking involves hitting an object with a bat.
    • True
    • False

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. The act of hitting a ball with a bat is called __________.
  2. When you use your leg to move a ball, it is called __________.
  3. To catch a ball properly, you need to __________ it.
  4. A race that covers a long distance is called a __________ race.
  5. Before running, it is important to __________ to avoid injuries.
  6. Jumping lightly from one foot to the other is called __________.
  7. The __________ dash is a common short-distance race.
  8. A proper throwing technique involves extending your __________.
  9. Safety in athletics includes __________ water during a race.
  10. __________ is the act of jumping and landing on the same foot.

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