Revision Test Physical and Health Education Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Physical and Health Education

Class: Primary 1

Term: First Term

Week: 10

Revision Test

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (30 Questions)

  1. Jumping from a standing position and landing on both feet is called a __________ jump.
    • a) hop
    • b) leap
    • c) standing
    • d) skip
  2. Throwing involves gripping a ball firmly and __________ it outward.
    • a) pushing
    • b) pulling
    • c) holding
    • d) lifting
  3. Catching is the act of __________ a thrown object.
    • a) kicking
    • b) striking
    • c) gripping
    • d) holding
  4. Kicking involves using your __________ to hit a ball.
    • a) hand
    • b) foot
    • c) head
    • d) arm
  5. Striking involves hitting an object with a __________.
    • a) ball
    • b) bat
    • c) foot
    • d) rope
  6. The 50m dash is an example of a __________ distance race.
    • a) short
    • b) long
    • c) medium
    • d) ultra
  7. Running fast is called __________.
    • a) walking
    • b) hopping
    • c) sprinting
    • d) skipping
  8. A leap involves jumping from one foot and landing on the __________ foot.
    • a) same
    • b) other
    • c) left
    • d) right
  9. Skipping is done by jumping lightly from one foot to the __________.
    • a) same
    • b) head
    • c) hand
    • d) other
  10. Warming up helps to prepare the __________ for exercise.
    • a) eyes
    • b) muscles
    • c) hair
    • d) ears
  11. One safety rule in jumping is to always __________ your knees when landing.
    • a) bend
    • b) straighten
    • c) lock
    • d) twist
  12. Listening to the teacher’s __________ is important for safety.
    • a) stories
    • b) instructions
    • c) jokes
    • d) songs
  13. Athletics involves activities like running, __________, and throwing.
    • a) eating
    • b) sleeping
    • c) jumping
    • d) reading
  14. In a long-distance race, you need to run at a __________ pace.
    • a) fast
    • b) slow
    • c) steady
    • d) backward
  15. A long-distance race example is the __________.
    • a) marathon
    • b) sprint
    • c) leap
    • d) hop
  16. Safety in long-distance races includes __________ water.
    • a) drinking
    • b) spilling
    • c) ignoring
    • d) avoiding
  17. A basic movement involving hitting a ball with a bat is called __________.
    • a) catching
    • b) striking
    • c) throwing
    • d) skipping
  18. Jumping on one foot and landing on the same foot is called a __________.
    • a) hop
    • b) skip
    • c) leap
    • d) jump
  19. Using your leg to hit a ball is called __________.
    • a) striking
    • b) kicking
    • c) throwing
    • d) catching
  20. The act of quickly holding a thrown object is called __________.
    • a) catching
    • b) throwing
    • c) skipping
    • d) running
  21. The __________ dash is a common short distance race.
    • a) 100m
    • b) 400m
    • c) 800m
    • d) 50m
  22. __________ before running helps prevent injuries.
    • a) Sitting
    • b) Stretching
    • c) Eating
    • d) Sleeping
  23. A marathon is a type of __________ distance race.
    • a) short
    • b) long
    • c) medium
    • d) quick
  24. Jumping over a rope repeatedly is called __________.
    • a) skipping
    • b) hopping
    • c) leaping
    • d) running
  25. The proper technique for throwing includes extending your __________.
    • a) leg
    • b) arm
    • c) head
    • d) hand
  26. Safety rules in throwing include making sure the area is __________.
    • a) crowded
    • b) clear
    • c) busy
    • d) noisy
  27. __________ is faster than walking.
    • a) Sitting
    • b) Jumping
    • c) Running
    • d) Standing
  28. Bending your knees when __________ helps reduce impact.
    • a) walking
    • b) jumping
    • c) sleeping
    • d) eating
  29. A __________ involves hitting an object with a bat.
    • a) throw
    • b) catch
    • c) kick
    • d) strike
  30. Following the correct __________ helps to avoid injuries.
    • a) speed
    • b) distance
    • c) technique
    • d) height

Short Answer Questions (20 Questions)

  1. What is a standing jump?
  2. How do you perform a hop?
  3. What is the difference between a leap and a skip?
  4. Why is warming up important before any physical activity?
  5. Describe a basic catching technique.
  6. What safety rules should you follow when jumping?
  7. Why is it important to listen to the teacher’s instructions during physical activities?
  8. What are the benefits of running a short distance race like the 50m dash?
  9. How should you land safely after a jump?
  10. Name one example of a long-distance race.
  11. Describe the proper technique for throwing a ball.
  12. What should you do to stay safe in a long-distance race?
  13. How does skipping differ from hopping?
  14. Why is it important to clear the area before throwing a ball?
  15. What is the role of balance in performing jumps?
  16. How does running benefit your health?
  17. Explain the term “sprinting.”
  18. What should you do to ensure safety while striking a ball?
  19. How can practicing jumps improve your physical skills?
  20. What is the difference between short-distance and long-distance races?

Review Continuous Assessment:

This section focuses on consolidating students’ understanding and identifying areas needing improvement. Use the answers from the fill-in-the-blank and short answer questions to guide your review sessions and discussions with the pupils.