Safety in Movement and Basic Rules in Manipulative Movement Physical And Health Education Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Physical and Health Education

Class: Primary 1

Term: First Term

Week: 5

Topic: Safety in Movement and Basic Rules in Manipulative Movement

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain safety rules when moving and playing.
  2. Describe basic rules for manipulative movements such as catching, throwing, and striking.

Key Words:

  • Safety rules
  • Movement
  • Basic rules
  • Manipulative movement
  • Catching
  • Throwing
  • Striking

Set Induction:

Start by discussing with students why it’s important to follow rules when playing games or participating in activities.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should be familiar with basic movements and safety concepts from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Safety posters or visuals
  • Soft balls or objects for practice
  • Pictures or videos demonstrating safe movements

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Connect the lesson to their experiences playing games and the importance of following rules to stay safe.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Understanding rules and guidelines
  • Applying safety measures
  • Coordination and motor skills

Learning Materials:

  • Visual aids (posters, diagrams)
  • Soft objects for practical demonstrations

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Instructional Materials:

  • Safety posters
  • Soft balls
  • Pictures or videos


Explanation of Safety in Movement:

  1. Listen to Instructions: Always listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions before starting any movement or game.
  2. Respect Personal Space: Give others enough room to move and play without bumping into them.
  3. Use Equipment Safely: Handle balls, bats, or ropes gently to avoid accidents.
  4. Watch Where You’re Going: Look ahead to avoid running into others or tripping over objects.

Basic Rules in Manipulative Movement:

  1. Catching:
    • Open your hands wide to catch a ball gently.
    • Example: Catching a soft ball without letting it drop.
  2. Throwing:
    • Hold the ball firmly and throw it gently to a friend.
    • Example: Throwing a ball to a target.
  3. Striking:
    • Use a bat or stick to hit an object gently.
    • Example: Striking a ball with a bat in a game.


  1. Before starting a game, it’s important to ______ to the teacher’s instructions. a) Listen b) Run c) Shout d) Jump
  2. You should handle equipment like balls and bats ______. a) Quickly b) Safely c) Loudly d) Roughly
  3. Giving others enough space to play is respecting their ______. a) Instructions b) Feelings c) Personal space d) School rules
  4. Catching involves opening your hands wide to ______ the ball. a) Throw b) Hit c) Catch d) Kick
  5. When throwing a ball, you should ______ it gently. a) Drop b) Kick c) Throw d) Jump

Class Activity Discussion :

  1. Why is it important to listen to instructions before playing a game? Listening helps you understand how to play safely.
  2. How should you handle sports equipment to avoid accidents? Use them gently so no one gets hurt.
  3. What does respecting personal space mean during games? It means giving others enough room to play without bumping into them.
  4. How do you catch a ball without dropping it? Open your hands wide and catch it gently.
  5. What do you do before throwing a ball to someone? Hold it firmly and throw it gently.


Step 1:

Review safety rules from previous lessons briefly, emphasizing their importance.

Step 2:

Introduce and explain new rules for manipulative movements using visuals and demonstrations.

Step 3:

Engage students in practicing these movements safely and discussing scenarios where rules apply.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain each rule clearly.
  • Demonstrate safe movements and actions.
  • Monitor students to ensure they follow rules correctly.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively to safety and movement instructions.
  • Practice catching, throwing, and striking using soft objects.
  • Ask questions to clarify doubts about rules.


Observe how well students follow safety rules and perform movements. Provide positive feedback and corrections as needed.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Why is it important to respect personal space during games?
  2. How should you handle sports equipment safely?
  3. What do you do before catching a ball?
  4. Describe how to throw a ball gently.
  5. When should you listen carefully to instructions during activities?
  6. Explain one safety rule for using sports equipment.
  7. What is one basic rule for catching a ball?
  8. How do you open your hands when catching a ball?
  9. Why should you look ahead while playing games?
  10. Name one manipulative movement using a bat or stick.


Summarize the lesson by reinforcing safety rules and basic movement rules. Ensure students understand and can apply these rules during physical activities.

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