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PAPER 3     CLASS: SS1   



From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below:

Example: seat (a) sit (b) cite (c) set (d) key.

The correct answer is D because only ‘key’ contains the same vowel sound as the one underlined in ‘seat’

Now, answer the questions that follow:

  1. Burn (a) barn (b) owl (c) girl (d) cousin
  2. Crew (a) tool (b) tour (c) throw (d) throve.
  3. Reed (a) spice (b) irk (c) chief (d) eye
  4. Fill (a) hit (b) ice (c) piece (d) file.
  5. Let (a) tried (b) trade (c) throw (d) thread
  6. Cup (a) curt (b) coach (c) tough (d) cot.
  7. Hot (a) sport (b) most (c) host (d) rock
  8. Corn (a) cock (b) form (c) lust (d) fun
  9. Sat (a) mane (b) man (c) main (d) mart
  10. Last (a) pat (b) late (c) painter (d) pass
  11. Buy (a) ice (b) ease (c) obey (d) buoy
  12. Oath (a) ooze (b) oar (c) hold (d) urban
  13. Stay (a) height (b) rake (c) rise (d) rose
  14. How (a) about (b) agree (c) ago (d) argue
  15. Air (a) here (b) hear (c) ear (d) hare.


From the words A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

An example is given below:

Example: vice (a) cat (b) dress (c) show (d) chalk.

The correct answer is B, because only ‘dress’ contains the same consonant sound as the one underlined in ‘vice’. So, answer the questions that follow:

  1. Kin (a) knife (b) queen (c) scene (d) know.
  2. Parent (a) pious (b) pneumonia (c) corps (d) psychology
  3. Tax (a) thump (b) irrigation (c) asked (d) fetch
  4. Bar (a) comb (b) plumber (c) stab (d) lamb
  5. Same (a) isle (b) dies (c) daze (d) dice
  6. Axe (a) sinks (b) ask (c) exact (d) lack.
  7. Jury (a) gang (b) gnat (c) image (d) anger
  8. How (a) path (b) photo (c) hour (d0 half.
  9. Lamb (a) half (b) glare (c) slab (d) calm
  10. Shine (a) measure (b) massive (c) census (d) mission.
  11. Zip (a) lose (b) loss (c) lost (d) loose
  12. Street (a) luster (b) style (c) strength (d) austere
  13. Flame (a) phlegm (b) play (c) alpha (d) apply
  14. Voice (a) yellow (b) win (c) sure (d) save
  15. Erect (a) elect (b) connect (c) correct (d) collect.



From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. An example is given below:

Example: detain

(a) Obtain     (b) Detail (c) Claim (d) Relay

The correct answer is ‘A’ because only ‘obtain’ rhymes with ‘detain’.

Now answer the questions that follows:

  1. Handsome (a) Some (b) Dancing (c) Hasten (d) Ransom
  2. Cheer (a) Charm (b) Chair (c) Air (d) Hear
  3. Flour (a) Floor (b) Flier (c) Flower (d) Louvre
  4. Loins (a) loans (b) Corns (c) lions (d) Coins
  5. Keys (a) Kiss (b) Quays (c) Ease (d) King


In each of the following questions the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress.

An example is given below:

Example: democratic (a) De-mo-cra-tic (b) de-Mo-cra-tic (c) de-mo-CRA-tic (d) de-mo-cra-TIC.

The correct answer is C because the maian/primary stress of the word ‘democratic’ is on the third syllable.

Now, answer the questions that follow:    

  1. Dedication (a) de-di-Ca-tion (b) DE-di-ca-tion (c) de-DI-ca-tion
  2. Resuscitate (a) re-sus-ci-TATE (b) re-sus-CI-tate (c) re-SUS-ci-tate (d) RE-sus-ci-tate.
  3. Certificate (a) cer-Ti-fi-cate (b) CER-ti-fi-cate (c) cer-ti-FI-cate (d) cer-ti-fi-CATE
  4. Introduction (a) IN-tro-duc-tion (b) in-tro-DUC-tion (c) in-tro-duc-TION (d) in-TRO-duc-tion.
  5. Questionable (a) quest-TION-a-ble (b) ques-tion-A-ble (c) ques-tion-a-BLE (d) QUEST-tion-a-ble.


In the following options lettered A to D, all words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with different stress pattern and shade your answer in the usual way.

An example is given below:

Example: (a) away (b) Apart (c) Behind (d) River

Options A,B,C, are all stressed on the syllable, while option D is the only one stressed on the first syllable. So D is the correct answer.

Now, answer the questions that follow:

  1. (a) people (b) Unused (c) Sportsman (d) Lorry
  2. (a) trader (b) pupil (c) prefer (d) perfect
  3. (a) reprimanded (b) pupil (c) prefer (d) mosquito
  4. (a) appear (b) enough (c) detain (d) modest
  5. (a) principal (b) civilian (c) tomorrow (d) sensation

Section F

In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentences is the appropriate answer.  

Example: My mother’s FRIEND hates pets

(a) Does your mother’s boss hate pets? (b) Does your mother’s friend love pets?

(c) Does your mother’s friend hate toys? (d) Does your father’s friend hate pets?

The correct answer is A. because “My mother’s FRIEND hates pets” answers the question, “Does your mother’s boss hate pets?”

Now, answer the questions that follow:

  1. Nigeria hosted the 1995 African Youth FOOTBALL competition. (a) Did Qatar host the 1995 African Youth Boxing competition? (b) Did Nigeria host the 1995 Africa Youth Boxing competition? (c) Did Nigeria host the 1973 Africa Youth Football competition? (d) Did Nigeria lose the 1995 Africa Youth Football competition?
  2. GHANA is the largest producer of Cocoa (a) Is Brazil the largest producer of Cocoa? (b) Is Ghana the smallest producer of cocoa? (c) Is Ghana the largest exporter of Cocoa? (d) Is Ghana the largest producer of groundnut?
  3. Our school is the BEST in the village? (a) Is our school the best in the country? (b) Is their school the best in the village? (c) Is our club the best in the village? (d) Is our School the worst in the village?
  4. The JUNE presidential election result was annulled. (a) Was the june councillorship election annulled? (b) Was the july presidential election released? (c) Was the July presidential election annulled? (d) Was the june presidential debate annulled?
  5. The bus driver was polite to the POLICEMAN. (a) Was the bus driver rude to the policeman? (b) Was the tax driver polite to the policeman? (c) Was the bus driver polite to the judge? (d) Was the bus conductor polite to the policeman?

Section G

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetics symbol.

An example is given below:

Example: /

(a) yell (b) holy (c) boy (d) idiot.

The answer is C because only ‘boy’ contains the sound represented by the given symbol.

Now, answer the questions that follows:

  1. / 𝔳/ (a) pot (b) pat (c) port (d) park
  2. /a:/ (a) firm (b) fine (c) farm (d) fun
  3. / ɔ:/ (a) work (b) wink (c) wine (d) jaw
  4. /ei/ (a) live (b) play (c) act (d) try
  5. / əʊ/ (a) knew (b) no (c) who (d) how
  6. /𝝏/ (a) hose (b) those (c) dose (d) truth
  7. / / (a) answer (b) augur (c) nicer (d) anger
  8. /j/ (a) you (b) joy (c) wonder (d) under
  9. /t/ (a) watch (b) motion (c) ten (d) lotion
  10. /t∫/ (a) child (b) cash (c) marsh (d) machine













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