



SS 1



First Term / 1st Term



Week 1







Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of


Using plants as medicine


that was taught in their previous lesson.



Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

  •  explain the meaning
    of biology

  • mention the two
    major field of biology –
    botany and zoology

  •  list steps involved in
    scientific methods
    hypothesis, theory and
    law, controlled

  •  state the usefulness
    of biology



Instructional Materials 

  • Wall charts
  • Online Resource
  • Textbooks
  • Charts showing the
    two major fields of
    biology as well as
    specialized field
  • Diagrammatic
    representation of the
    steps involved
  • Laptop
  • Flash cards


Methods of Teaching 

  • Role modelling
  • Questions and Answers
  • Explanation
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Imitation
  • Story Telling
  • Dramatization




Meaning of Science and Biology

Science can be defined as a systematic process of making inquiries about the living and non-living things in our environment. Science is both an organized body of knowledge and a process of finding out knowledge.

Biology is the branch of science that studies living things. The word ‘biology’ is derived from two Greek words: ‘bios’ which means life, and ‘logos’ which means study. Biology therefore means the study of living things.

Biology has several branches, these include

  1. Botany (study of plants)
  2. Zoology (study of animals)
  3. Morphology (study of the external features of living things)
  4. Anatomy (study of internal structure of living things)
  5. Physiology (Study of how living things function)
  6. Ecology (study of the relationships between living things and their environment),
  7. Genetics (Study of how living things inherit characters from their parents) etc.

The prime purpose of science is research, i.e. finding out about things, so biology involves finding out or making inquiry about living things, their interaction with themselves and with nature.



Methods of Science (The Scientific Method)

The method of science involves systematically making inquiries about something under study. It begins with observation (that is, looking at something carefully with a view to finding an answer to a question). This involves using all the senses i.e. sight, hearing, touch, feeling, pressure, taste, etc. and instruments (e.g. ruler, microscope, magnifying lens, weighing balance, telescopes, barometer, etc.) where necessary.

Observation is followed by a hypothesis i.e. a sensible, reasonable guess which is capable of being tested or verified.

The hypothesis is tested by an experiment. Experiments usually involve measurements/counting, and they have to be carried out as accurately as possible. Scientific experiments have control. The control experiment is identical with the experiment proper, but the factor to be tested is omitted. This gives the investigator a higher degree of confidence in his result and conclusion.

Results from an experiment are put together and a conclusion (inference/generalization) is made.

Other scientists may repeat the same experiment and if similar results are obtained then the generalization is accepted as a theory.

When a theory has been tested extensively, worldwide, and found to be consistently true, it becomes a law e.g. The Law of gravity


Experimental Pattern

Experiments are designed to eliminate all forms of bias so as to avoid making false conclusions. To achieve this, only the factor being tested is varied, all other factors that may affect the result are kept constant. These experiments are known as controlled experiments.

While experimenting, a biologist uses processes of science such as counting, measuring, classifying, organizing data, communicating, recording and interpreting data.

In recording an experiment/giving the account of a scientific investigation, the following pattern is used:

  1. Date of experiment
  2. Aim/purpose of experiment
  3. Apparatus/materials required
  4. Procedure/method used (including control and precautions)
  5. Observations
  6. Inference (deduction from what is already known)

In biology, experiments are carried out on living things. It may not be possible to get a sample of test population with identical organisms. This problem can be reduced by using large test samples and also repeating the experiment many times.



Steps involved in scientific methods

  1. Observation
  2. Hypothesis,
  3. Experiment
  4. Theory
  5. Law



  1. Medicine: – Science has contributed greatly to the manufacture of vaccines and drugs that are used today to cure various diseases of man.
  2. Manufacturing Industries: – Various raw materials have been combined together to manufacturing many finished products commonly used by man.
  3. Construction: – Roads, railways, airports etc. have been designed and constructed as a result of the knowledge derived from science.
  4. Engineering: – Ship building, skyscrapers, bridges roads etc. have been designed and constructed due to the knowledge acquired from science. 
  5. Agriculture: – New breeds of animals and varieties of crops including fertilizers have been developed and these have helped to increase food production.
  6. Technology: – Science has helped in the development of computers that have enhanced the efficiency of mankind in their activities.
  7. Communication: – Television, telephone, telex, fax machines etc. have been developed with the aid of science which now makes communication among countries to be possible.
  8. Transportation: – Aero planes, ships, rockets, etc. have been built due to the knowledge of science and these have made movement of people and goods within and across nations possible.



Biology is a branch of science that deals with living matters and their vital systems. Biology entails diverse fields, including botany, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, and zoology.


There are mainly three branches of Biology- botany, zoology and microbiology.

Botany is the branch of biology which deals with the study of various aspects of plants. Theophrastus is well known for his various works on plants and he is in fact acclaimed as the father of Botany.

Zoology is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of different aspects of animals.

Microbiology: Micro means very small. Microbiology is the study of living things that are very small, tiny or minute.


Presentation : 

The topic is presented step by step

Step 1: The class teacher revises the old topic

Step 2: The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and gives room for pupils” participation


Class Teacher and Students Activities. Interaction or Participation 

This involves class teacher and pupils’ interaction, conversation, imitation or modeling through discussion, play method or just by recitation or asking and answering questions that are related to the topic that has just been taught.


Teacher Activities

1. The teacher introduces the subject biology and mentions the two major fields botany and zoology
2. List the steps involved in scientific methods
3. Prompt the students to elicit facts on the usefulness of biology



Students Activities.

1. Students listen attentively
2. State the steps involved in scientific methods after the teacher
3. Mention the usefulness of biology as a career




  1. Define the terms (a) Science (b) Biology
  2. State five branches of biology.
  3. Of what use is (a) science (b) biology to man?
  4.  Define Biology.
  5.  Explain the meaning of biology
  6. mention the two majors field of biology
  7.  List steps involved in scientific methods or learning
  8.  State five usefulness of biology






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