SS 1 Third Term Examination Biology

THIRD TERM              

Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.   


  1. Which of these is a micro-organism?  A.  bacteria   B. mosses  C. spirogyra  D. fern.
  2. When bacteria are arranged in chains they are called ————–   A.  spirilla   B staphylococci    C streptococci  D bacilli 
  3. Virus are considered to be living organism because they ————-   A. possess transmittable character  B. move from one place to another C. respond to stimulation  D. ingest food materials
  4. Which of the following does a virus have in common with animals?  A. nucleus  B.DNA  C .glycogen  D .cytoplasm.
  5. Which of the following diseases is not caused by bacteria?  A .tuberculosis  B.  syphillis  C. cholera   D. chicken pox.
  6. Which of the following  is not  a protozoan?.  A. paramecium  B. plasmodium   C.    penicillium  D. amoeba
  7. Which of the following pairs are examples of unicellular algae?  A yeast and chlamydomonas   B. chlamydomonas and protoccocus   C. spirogyra and yeast  D.spirogyra  and protoccocus.

8  .Which of the following best defines a culture solution?  A.a population of micro-organism cultivated in a medium.   B. a population of weeds cultivated in a medium  C. solution containing different chemicals   D. solution containing dead organisms.

  1. Which of the following habitats is a means of keeping micro-organisms from striving on our body?  A. trimming our nails regularly B .taking three meals regularly C .wearing beautiful dresses D .working hard at one’s job.
  2. All  of the following allow for the natural growth of micro-organisms except  A .air  B .food  C. soil  D .agar.
  3. The first person to discover micro-organisms was  A. Van Leeuwenhoek   B .Louis Pasteur C.  Spallanzani  D. Robert Koch.
  4. All of the following are micro-organisms except  A .bacteria   B. virus  C. mosses  D. cyanobacteria.

13 .Which of these is not  a fungus?  A .Rhizopus  B. plasmodium  C.  mucor  D. aspergillus.

14 .The following diseases can be spread through contact except  A. leprosy   B. syphilis   C. tuberculosis D. filariasis

  1. The growth phase in bacteria in which bacterial cells divided steadily at a constant rate is called:  A. Exponential phase  B. lag phase  C. stationary phase  D. decline phase E. dividing phase 
  2. Growth of microorganism can be measured by the following methods except;  A. serial dilution method  B. turbidity method  C. physical counting method D. squared transparent paper E. dry weight method.
  3. Which of the following microbes cause cholera? A. virus B. bacterium C. protozoan  D. plasmodium  E. fungus 
  4. The following practices contribute to controlling the spread of diseases except: A. sewage treatment with chemicals. B. proper sewage disposal C. disinfecting the surrounding D. using human waste as manure
  5. The vector of the trypnosome parasite is A. housefly B. tsetsefly C. mosquito D. black fly E. may fly 
  6. All the following are caused by bacteria except A. cholera B. leprosy C. tetanus D. measles E. typhoid 
  7. Which of the following diseases is caused by protozoan?  A. measles B. malaria C. cholera D. leprosy E. gonorrhea
  8. The time interval required for a cell of an organism to divide into two is called ——————— A. lag period B. generation period C. regeneration period D. division 
  9. The causative agent of malaria fever is ——————— A. male anopheles mosquito B. plasmodium C. female anopheles mosquito D. culex mosquito
  10. Which of these is not one of the uses of bacteria? A. they are used in the production of amino-acids B. they are used as a leavening C. they are used production of vinegar D. they are used in the manufacture of lactic acid 
  11. Which of the following diseases is caused by a protozoan? A. sleeping sickness B. amoebic dysentery C. malaria D. all of the above 
  12. The health organization that is saddled with the responsibilities of providing  for the emergency needs  of children in devastated areas is —————– A. world health organization  B. united nation children’s fund {UNICEF}  C. international red cross society  D. Nigeria medical association.
  13. A way of providing good health in a community is —————— A. control of diseases B. sewage disposal C. refuse disposal D. all of the above 
  14. Which of these is not a vector? A. black fly B. snake D. dog E. housefly 
  15. A diseases characterized by high fevers,  loss of weight, chronic, diarrhea, skin fever, wasting away and final death is ——————- A. gonorrhea B. AID’S  C. syphilis D. staphylococcus
  16. Deficiency of protein in the diet of the young children will result in a diseases called    A. night blindness  B. river blindness   C. marasmus  D. kwashiorkor.
  17. An example of noise pollutant is   A. aero plane or aviation noise   B. crude oil   C. fertilizer   D. metal scrape.

32 . Which of the following is a producer?  A. rhizopus   B. snail  C .spirogyra  D. tadpole.

33.An interlocking form of feeding relationship is called   A. food chain  B. nutrition  C. consumer  D. food web

34 .In a food chain, each stage in the chain is a   A .chain level  B. web level  C .trophic level  D .consumption level.

35 .In  a complex food relationship in a community, the primary, secondary and tertiary consumers are referred to as    A. symbiosis  B. omnivores  Heterotrophs  D. carnivores.

  1. Which of the following organisms has a symbiotic with green algae?  A.  amoeba  B .paramecium  C .euglena  D. hydra.

37.The numerical relationships of  any chain in a  community is the  A. food web B. population ratio  C. pyramid of number  D. number of each species.

Use the diagram below to answer questions38—41


                                      King fish

                                     Big fish

                                    Small fish




  1. The diagram illustrates  A. the size of various organisms  B. types of organisms in a habitat   C .the flow of energy in a habitat D .the hierarchy of organisms in a habitat.
  2. Which of the following organisms has the highest energy?  A .king  fisher  B. big fish  C. tadpole  D .phytoplankton.
  3. Which of these organisms occupies the third trophic level?  A. king fisher   B. small fish   C. tadpole  D. phytoplankton.
  4. Which of these organisms has the least energy?  A. king  fisher  B. big fish  C. tadpole   D .phytoplankton.
  5. Which of these organisms is a herbivore?  A. tadpole  B. phytoplankton  C .king fisher D. small fish.
  6. The association in which one member benefits and the other is relatively unaffected by the interaction is termed   A. symbiosis   B. parasitism  C .commensalism   D. neutralism .
  7. Which of the following is not a characteristics of  a xerophyte?    A small leaves   B. succulent leave  C. well -developed roots   D .poorly developed roots.
  8. Which of the following is not   a pollutant of the air?  A. dust  B. heat  C. smoke  D. moisture.
  9. Which of the following is not a renewable  natural resource?  A. soil   B. water  C .gold   D. air.
  10. All of the following  are pollutants except   A. carbon(11)oxide    B.sulphur dioxide   C. lead oxide   D. oxygen.
  11. Which of the following is not an annual crop?  A. rice  B. maize   C .millet   D .cocoa.
  12. Which of the following  substances cannot control the growth of harmful micro-organisms?  A. antibiotic  B. antiseptic   C. hypertonic salt solution  D. isotonic sugar solution.
  13. A collection of cells performing   specific function in a living thing is called   A. system   B. cells   C .organism   D. organ.
  14. Which of these organisms at tissue level of organization?  A. amoeba  B. hydra  C .tapeworm  D. earthworm.

THEORY   QUESTIONS; Answer three questions only this section

1a. What is immunization? (2mk

  1. State three diseases which can be prevented by immunization and name their causative organism (3mk
  2. State five ways in which a community can maintain the health of the its members (5mk

2a.What is culturing? (2mk

  1. List four instruments used for the preparation of culture solution (2mk
  2. State the steps that are involved in the preparation of culture (4mk

d .Explain  an experiment to demonstrate the presence micro-organisms the dirt under the finger nails(2mk

3a.Make a labeled diagram of a bacterium (3mk

  1. State two evidences to show that virus is living thing (2mk
  2. Explain the following (i) a pathogen (ii) a vector   (iii)  a parasite(3mk
  3. Mention one micro- organism that reside in the human mouth (1mk

4a.What is sexually transmitted disease?(1mk

B .Mention three sexually transmitted diseases and explain one of them in detail based on causative organism, mode of spread, symptoms and control (7mk

C .Name the bacteria responsible for the following diseases (1) typhoid fever (ii) tuberculosis (2mk

5a.State five benefits of micro-organisms to humans (5mk

B .State three methods by which mosquito can be prevented (3mk

  1. State two functions of UNICEF to children in Nigeria (2mk

6a.State five functions of W.H.O to member countries (5mk

  1. Briefly outline the steps in population studies (5mk
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