Topic: Nutrition

Subtitle: Nutrients

Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. state the meaning of nutrients

2. describe the importance of nutrients to the body.

3. state 4 essential nutrients

Resources and materials:

Scheme of work

Online information

Instructional material: picture charts

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.


Nutrients are substances that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life. OR

A nutrient is a substance used by an organism to survive, grow, and reproduce.

Essential nutrients and their importance

Essential nutrient is also known as types of food or classes of food and there six (6) essential classes of food.

  1. Protein: Protein provides the building blocks of the body, and every cell, from bone to skin to hair, contains protein. Sixteen percent of the average person’s body weight is from protein and protein is used primarily for growth, health, and body maintenance.

Examples: beef, fish, beans.

  1. Carbohydrate: are necessary for a healthy body. Carbohydrate is also called Carbs, which is energy giving food, it fuels your body, especially your central nervous system and brain, and protects you against disease. Examples: grains such as rice, wheat and millet.
  2. Fat: supports many of your body’s functions such as vitamin and mineral absorption, blood clotting, building cells, and muscle movement. Examples of fat: nuts such as oil palm, groundnut and walnut, melon, sunflower seed and fish.
  3. Vitamins: vitamins are vital for warding off disease and staying healthy. The body needs these micronutrients to support its functions. There are 13 essential vitamins that the body needs to function properly, including vitamins A, C, B6, and D. Examples: carrot, blackberry, tomatoes, apple, banana and cabbage.
  4. Minerals: minerals help support the body. They’re essential for many body functions, including building strong bones and teeth, regulating your metabolism, and staying properly hydrated. Some of the most common minerals are calcium, iron, and zinc.

Iron can be gotten from plantain and Iron supports your red blood cells and hormone creation.

  1. Water: we can go for weeks without food, but we can’t last more than a few days without water. Water is very important for every system in your body. Our body is made up of about 62 percent of water. Water improves your brain function and mood.

Strategies& Activities:

Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.

Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.

Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.

Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.

Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.

Assessment & Evaluation:

1. what are nutrients

2. what are the importance of water, carbohydrate and protein?

WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.


  1. List and explain five essential nutrients.
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