National Unity. Pry 6 First Term CIVIC EDUCATION Week 6



Class :Basic 6

National Unity

Term : First Term
Week : Week  6
Previous Knowledge : The pupils have the previous knowledge of  co-operation 
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to
  • define national unity
  • say the benefits of national unity
  • mention the characteristics or attributes of national unity
  • say what may happen when there is no national unity

Instructional materials :

  • Sample or picture of people showing national unity

Reference Materials :

  • Textbooks on Civic Education book 6
  • Workbook on Civic Education
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work on civic Education
  • Online links , materials and webpages that are related to this topic
Content Development 
  • define national unity
  • say the benefits of national unity
  • mention the characteristics or attributes of national unity
  • say what may happen when there is no national unity

What is National Unity ?

National Unity simply means the desire of every member of a country to come together and be governed by the same centre or federal government that is based on common interests and political wills .


What are  the benefits of National Unity  ?

  1. There is a centralized control of power
  2. There is stability in the country
  3. There is  fair representative of minorities in the affairs of the country in the government is based on National Unity government .
  4. There is relative peace in the country because of National Unity


Nigerian Government Efforts To Foster National Unity

  1. Creation of Federal government Unity Schools that offer admission to various  primary school students across the thirty six states of the federation .
  2. Establishment of Compulsory  National Youth Service Corps with enables every eligible young graduate to serve his or her father land in any of the thirty six states throughout the federation .

Consequences of Lack of Co-operation

  1. Goals will become unachievable .
  2. Physical , social and economic growth will be retarded  and truncated .
  3. There will be no room for development.
  4. Suspicions and hatred will be the order of the day




The topic is presented step by step
Step 1 : The class teacher introduces the new topic
Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic
Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise
The class teacher gives out a short note and he goes round to mark .
He or she does the necessary corrections
1. What is National Unity
2. Write out five  benefits of National Unity
3. Mention three attributes of co-operation .
4, Mention two consequences of lack of co-operation
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