Go is to green as stop is to



Subject : Verbal Reasoning

  1. Busy is to bee as sharp is to razor
  2. Dawn is to morning as dusk is to evening
  3. Wings are made to fly as legs are made to walk
  4. Go is to green as stop is to red
  5. Month is to twelve as week is to seven
  6. Lion is to meat as cow is to milk
  7. Sheep is to flock as cattle is to herd
  8. Islam is to Koran as Christianity is to Bible
  9. Cow is to milk as Bee is to honey
  10. Water is to ship as Air is to aeroplane
  11. Feather is to bird as fur is to mammal
  12. Earth is to planet as moon is to satellite
  13. Pen is to write as brush is to paint
  14. Piano is to music as canvas is to painting
  15. Ocean is to saltwater as river is to freshwater
  16. Book is to author as movie is to director
  17. Sunrise is to east as sunset is to west
  18. Fish is to gills as humans are to lungs
  19. Bicycle is to pedal as car is to drive
  20. Tree is to leaves as flower is to petals
  21. Paper is to write as chalkboard is to chalk
  22. Dog is to bark as cat is to meow
  23. Bicycle is to two wheels as tricycle is to three wheels
  24. Marathon is to running as swimming is to swim
  25. Moon is to night as sun is to day
  26. Pen is to ink as pencil is to lead
  27. Teacher is to classroom as doctor is to hospital
  28. Seed is to plant as egg is to bird
  29. Earthquake is to ground as hurricane is to wind
  30. Train is to tracks as car is to roads



Instructions :

Complete the following expressions by filling in the missing words


1. Busy is to bee

as sharp is to…………

(needle, mouth, razor, car)


2. Dawn is to morning

as…….. is to evening

(day, afternoon, dusk, night)



3. Wings are made to fly as legs are made to……

(stay, battle, flap, walk)


4. Go is to green as stop is to……….

( blue, green, yellow, red)


5. Month is to twelve as week is to………….

(seven, sixty, ninety, fifty-two)


6. Lion is to meat as cow is to………..

(drink, milk, grass, bone)


7. Sheep is to flock as cattle is to…………

(herd, pack, swan, group)


8. Islam is to Koran as Christianity is to……..

(Jesus, pastor Church, Bible)


9. Cow is To Milk as Bee is to ……………

(pollen, honey, flowers, hive)


10. Water is to ship as Air is to …………….

(flying, breathing, aeroplane, tyre)


1. Busy is to bee
as sharp is to __________.
a) needle
b) mouth
c) razor
d) car

2. Dawn is to morning
as __________ is to evening.
a) day
b) afternoon
c) dusk
d) night

3. Wings are made to fly
as legs are made to __________.
a) stay
b) battle
c) flap
d) walk

4. Go is to green
as stop is to __________.
a) blue
b) green
c) yellow
d) red

5. Month is to twelve
as week is to __________.
a) seven
b) sixty
c) ninety
d) fifty-two

6. Lion is to meat
as cow is to __________.
a) drink
b) milk
c) grass
d) bone

7. Sheep is to flock
as cattle is to __________.
a) herd
b) pack
c) swan
d) group

8. Islam is to Koran
as Christianity is to __________.
a) Jesus
b) pastor
c) Church
d) Bible

9. Cow is to Milk
as Bee is to __________.
a) pollen
b) honey
c) flowers
d) hive

10. Water is to ship
as Air is to __________.
a) flying
b) breathing
c) aeroplane
d) tyre

11. Feather is to bird
as fur is to __________.
a) scales
b) fur
c) mammal
d) feathers

12. Earth is to planet
as moon is to __________.
a) star
b) satellite
c) galaxy
d) asteroid

13. Pen is to write
as brush is to __________.
a) draw
b) paint
c) color
d) sketch

14. Ocean is to saltwater
as river is to __________.
a) freshwater
b) seawater
c) brackish water
d) tide

15. Book is to author
as movie is to __________.
a) actor
b) director
c) producer
d) screenwriter


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