Tag: Primary 3

List ten examples of ornamental crops.

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Agricultural Science TOPIC: Identification of Local Ornamental Crops   CONTENT:   Common examples of ornamental crops include the following:   Lawn grass Lantana flower Hibiscus flower Sunflower Flame of the forest Cactus Rose flower Variegated croton Ice plant Canalily Camelia Queen palm Virginia creeper Allamanda African marigold Pride of Barbados

Mathematics. Capacity

  Class: Basic 3 Subject: Mathematics Topic: Capacity (REVISION)   Content:   The amount of liquid a container holds  is called its CAPACITY. Liquids  are things like water,milk,kerosene, oil,petrol,juice, water,  etc. The standard measure for liquid is the litre(l) and millilitre (ml).   Note.—————– 10 millilitre(ml) = 1 centiltre (cl). 10centilitre (cl) = 1 decilitre

Uses of Output Devices

  CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: Basic Science and Technology TOPIC:  Uses of Output Devices   CONTENT:   MONITOR The monitor has a rectangular screen (face) like a television. It is used to show words, pictures and films from the computer.   PRINTER The printer is an output device and is shaped like a box. The

Primary 3 Computer Study Test 

  Class: Primary 3 Subject: Computer Study Topic: Test   Instructions: Answer the following questions.   One of the following storage devices is kept permanently in the system unit (a) CD (b) Hard disk (c) diskette   ______ are devices where data, folders and documents are kept for future purpose or when needed. (a) input

What is a balanced diet?

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Agricultural Science TOPIC: Assessment Test   Answer the following questions.   1. What is a balanced diet?   2. State two importance of a balanced diet (i) ______________________________________________   (ii)______________________________________________   3. List the six classes of food.   (i)_________________________________   (ii)_________________________________   (iii)_________________________________   (iv)_________________________________   (v)__________________________________   (vi)_________________________________

Uses of Ornamental plants 0

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Agricultural Science TOPIC: Uses of Ornamental Crops   CONTENT:    Ornamental crops are used for different purposes. The most important uses include:   1.Protection: They are planted to protect soil, serving as soil cover. Example is carpet grass planted to cover a football field.   Beautification: They are used to

English  Evaluation Questions.

  SUBJECT:: English Language. TOPIC:: Evaluation- Questions.   Primary 3 Questions Replace the bold words with a suitable adverb. (1)The dancer danced with grace _______   (2)My sisters go to south East Asia once a year   (3)The waiter carried the glass with care on the tray.   One of the four words in each


  SUBJECT:: English  Language. TOPIC Questions.   Comprehension    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions    PIG AND LION   There was famine in the forest. Animals could not find food to eat. They were hungry. Lion went to pig to borrow some money to buy food. Lion could not pay back on

Simple machine makes work easier

  SUBJECT:: Basic Science Questions. 1. Simple machine makes work easier A. May be B. True C. False 2. Example of animal that live in water is A. Chicken B. Fish C. Ram 3.——– is a domestic animals A. Tiger B. Snake C. Cat 4. ——— is an example of a living things A. Table

Nigeria is my country

  SUBJECT:: Social – Studies TOPIC:: Evaluation- Questions.   A dirty environment can cause ——   A. enjoyment B. neatness C. sickness   I must —— my hands before l eat.   A. wash B. cut c. smell   ——is my country   A. Nigeria B. Ghana C. Togo   …….. is an area where