Pests of Crops: Definition and Common Insect Pests | Primary 5 Lesson Note

Agricultural Science Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes

Week 6: Pest and Disease of Crops

Subject: Agricultural Science

Class: Primary 5
Term: Second Term
Week: 6
Age: 9–10 years
Topic: Pest and Disease of Crops

Sub-Topic: Insect Pests of Crops

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define pests of crops.
  2. Identify various insect pests that affect crops.

Keywords: Pests, diseases, insects, crops, harm

Set Induction

The teacher shows pupils pictures or real-life samples of damaged crops and asks them what might have caused the damage.

Entry Behavior

Pupils may have noticed damaged crops in their environment but may not understand the role of pests in causing the damage.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of insect pests (e.g., grasshoppers, aphids, weevils)
  • Samples of affected crops (e.g., maize, yam, tomatoes)
  • Charts showing different pests and their effects

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Pupils have learned about weeds and their effects on crops and farmers. This knowledge prepares them to understand how pests and diseases also affect crops.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Observation
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication


Definition of Pests

  • Pests are organisms that damage crops by feeding on them or spreading diseases.
  • They can be insects, birds, rodents, or other animals.

Types of Crop Pests

The most common type of pests in farming are insect pests.

Common Insect Pests and Their Effects

  1. Grasshoppers
    • Eat leaves and stems of crops like maize and vegetables.
    • Can cause serious damage to farms.
  2. Aphids
    • Small insects that suck the sap from plants.
    • Make plants weak and cause stunted growth.
  3. Weevils
    • Attack stored grains like rice, maize, and beans.
    • Reduce the quality of harvested crops.
  4. Cutworms
    • Feed on the stems of young plants, cutting them at the base.
    • Commonly affect crops like tomatoes and pepper.
  5. Stem Borers
    • Bore holes into plant stems and feed on the inside.
    • Affect crops like maize and sugarcane.


Fill-in-the-blank Questions
Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d).

  1. Pests are organisms that ____.
    a. help crops grow
    b. destroy crops
    c. live in the soil
    d. improve crop yield
    Answer: b
  2. An example of an insect pest is a ____.
    a. bird
    b. grasshopper
    c. rabbit
    d. snake
    Answer: b
  3. ____ suck sap from plants and make them weak.
    a. Weevils
    b. Grasshoppers
    c. Aphids
    d. Cutworms
    Answer: c
  4. The pest that cuts young plants at the base is ____.
    a. aphids
    b. stem borers
    c. cutworms
    d. grasshoppers
    Answer: c
  5. Weevils attack ____ crops.
    a. stored
    b. fresh
    c. leafy
    d. root
    Answer: a

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs)

Q1: What are pests?
A1: Pests are organisms that damage crops by feeding on them or spreading diseases.

Q2: Name three examples of insect pests.
A2: Grasshoppers, aphids, and weevils.

Q3: How do aphids affect crops?
A3: Aphids suck the sap from plants, making them weak and stunting their growth.

Q4: Which pest attacks stored grains?
A4: Weevils attack stored grains like maize, rice, and beans.

Q5: What does a cutworm do to crops?
A5: Cutworms cut young plants at the base and feed on their stems.

Presentation Steps

  1. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Define pests and discuss their effects on crops.
    • Show pictures or samples of insect pests and the damage they cause.
    • Explain the characteristics of common insect pests.
  2. Learners’ Activities:
    • Observe pictures or samples of pests and identify them.
    • Share examples of pests they have seen on farms or gardens.
    • Discuss how pests damage crops and how farmers might prevent this.


Short-answer Questions

  1. Define pests.
  2. Mention four insect pests that affect crops.
  3. How do grasshoppers damage crops?
  4. Name one pest that attacks stored grains.
  5. What are the effects of stem borers on crops?


The teacher summarizes the lesson by reviewing the definition of pests and discussing common insect pests and their effects on crops. Pupils are encouraged to observe and report pests they see around their homes or farms.