Class: Basic 5
Subject: Agricultural Science
Topic: Benefit of Farming.
Farming is important to the farmer, people and the country at large.
Some of the importance of farming are:
- It provides job opportunity for people, e.g. Farmers
- It provides raw materials for industries, e.g. Cotton for textile industry, Rubber for Tyre or Dunlop industry.
- It provides clothing and shelter for people, e.g. wool and skin of animals are used to make clothes, e.g. wool of sheep
- It serves as sources of income to the farmer.
- It serves as foreign exchange earning to the government.
1.) Mention three importance of farming:
2.) Cotton is used in the _______________ industry. ( rubber, textile)
3.) Can we use wool of a sheep to make cloth? (Yes / No)
4.) Mention five food crops gotten from farming:
5.) List three cash crops used by industry:
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