Read the passage and answer the question below.
Yesterday an inspector came to our school. Our teacher told us to keep our class neat because an inspector will round the classes. I was afraid to see an inspector.
The inspector is a fat man. He has three tribal marks on his face. When he arrived in our school he went straight to the Headmistress office.
When the inspector came to our class he shook hands with our teacher, our class captain knocked on the desk and we all stood up and greet the inspector.
(1)Who was the visitor? (a) Headmaster (b) class teacher (c) An inspector.
(2) Who told the pupils to keep the class neat? (a) An inspector (b) The class teacher (c) Class captain
(3) Why did the captain knock on the desk (a) To greet the visitor (b) To sit down (c) To stop the noise.
(4) What is the full meaning of H.M. (a) class captain (b) Headmaster
(c) An inspector
2.) Change the nouns to pronouns
(1) Mary is my friend
(2) Bisi and I are friends.
(3) Johnson help the beggar.
(4) Lion is a dangerous animal
- The aeroplane’s sound scared John and me.
3.) Give the opposite of the following
Words Opposites
- Good _____________
- Dry _____________
3 Absent _____________
4 Close _____________
5. Brother _____________
4.) Circle the Adjective in each group of words and underline the nouns.
- The man is fat.
- It is a nice day.
- He has a round head.
- An intelligent pupils.
- That is the tall building.
(5) Fill in the gaps with article a or an
- _____ white board 6. _____ elephant
- ______ orange 7. ______ happy day
- ______ pencil 8. ______ kettle
- ______ egg 9. ______ office
- ______ tree 10. ______ insect.
(6) Composition:
An eye is part of the body use for ____________ (hearing, seeing, smelling). Eyes are found on our ____ (leg, face, stomach). We need to be _______ (careless, dangerous, careful) with our eyes. We must not use dangerous object such as ______ ( needle, cup, book) to play.
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