Topic: Family
Subtitle: Nuclear and extended Family
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
Define family
State the members of a family
Differentiate between nuclear and extended family

Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: picture chart
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with numbers in hundred, tens and units from their previous classes.
Meaning and members of a nuclear family
Family is defined as a group of people that are related by blood, marriage or by adoption. Everybody in the society belongs to one family or another, family can be small or big.
There are two types of family; they are:
1 Nuclear family
2 Extended family
Nuclear family
A nuclear family is a simple family made up of a father, a mother and their children. In other words, nuclear family can also be referred to as immediate family. The members of a nuclear family are father, mother, sons and daughters.

A nuclear family
Extended family
An extended family refers to all the people that are related by blood through one’s father or mother. It is made up of many nuclear families.
The members of an extended family include:
1 Uncle: The brother of one’s mother or father
2 Aunt: The sister of one’s mother or father
3 Nephew: The son of one’s brother or sister
4 Niece: The daughter of one’s brother or sister
5 Paternal grandfather: The father of one’s father
6 Paternal grandmother: The mother of one’s father
7 Maternal grandfather: The father of one’s mother
8 Maternal grandmother: The mother of one’s mother
9 Father–in–law: Father of one’s husband or wife
10 Mother–in–law: Mother of one’s husband or wife.
When our relations like uncles, aunts and cousins are from our mother’s side they are known as maternal relations, but when they are from our father’s side, they are known as paternal relations.

An extended family

Strategies& Activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
Define family
State two difference between nuclear and extended family
WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
relations from mother’s side are known as ……………………………………………..
state six members of the nuclear family
your father’s brother is called…………………………………………

Topic: Nuclear family
Subtitle: The roles of nuclear family members
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
explain the roles family members
state the roles of father in the family
state the roles of mother in the family
state the roles children in the family
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: picture chart
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Roles of family members
All members of the nuclear and extended families have different roles to play to bring about the growth of the family.
1 The father is the breadwinner of the family. This means he provides money for the family’s food.
2 He provides the needs of the family such as food, shelter, and clothes.
3 He pays the children’s school fees, electricity bills and waste disposal bills.
4. He protects the children and other members of the family from any attack.

1 The mother cooks for the family and makes sure the members of the family feed well.
2 The mother assists the father in training the children and making sure they behave well in the society.
3 She cleans the house to ensure healthy surroundings.
4 She teaches the children how to perform domestic work. Domestic work is the type of work we do at home. It includes sweeping the floor, washing the plates and clothes, and mopping the floor.

The children also have their roles in their own upbringing. This is to ensure that the roles of other family members are not in vain.
1 The children help their parents to do household chores, such as sweeping and cleaning the house as well as wash the cars, clothes and plates.
2 The children run errands for the parents and other members of the family. This means they do the work people asked them to do.
3 The older children in the family help in training the younger ones.
4 The children assist in taking care of their parents when they are sick.
5 The children show that they are obedient by reading their books and doing their homework at the right time.
Strategies& Activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
State three roles of the children in the family
Who is the breadwinner in the family?
WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
Who teaches the children to perform domestic work?
Write four roles of the children in the family

Topic: Extended family
Subtitle: Roles of extended family members
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
Explain the role grandparents
Explain the role aunties and uncle
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: charts
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Extended family
The extended family means all the people that are related by blood through the father or mother. Members of the extended family, apart from the father, mother and children, are grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew and niece.

The roles of the extended family include the following:
1 The grandparents when they are around, help in taking care of the children while the father and mother are at work.
2 The grandparents give advice to their grandchildren. They do this in the form of storytelling. For example, a grandfather may tell the grand children stories in order to teach them a lesson on honesty, sense of value or appreciation.
3 The aunts when they are around also help the mother to take care of the children and even to cook.
4 The uncles also help to take care of the entire extended family. They do this by teaching morals to their nephews and nieces.
5 The uncles and aunts give money to help members of the extended family.
6 Members of the extended family help to protect the child from external physical attack.
7 They make the child identify himself as mentor of the one large family.

Strategies& Activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
Mention the five people that make up the extended family
What is the role of grandparents in the family?

WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
Explain the role of four members of the extended family
My father’s brother is called ………………………
My aunty or uncle children are my …………………………


Topic: Marriage
Subtitle: Marriage in our community
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
Define marriage
State the types marriage
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: charts
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous class.
Definition of marriage
Marriage is the coming together of a man and a woman as husband and wife. It is the legal joining or union of two persons of opposite sexes as husband and wife with the purpose of companionship and raising a family.
Marriage may be between people of the same or different ethnic groups, e.g., Hausa and Igbo. It may be between people of different religions, e.g., Christian and Muslim. The people only need to love and respect each other.

A newly married couple with their parents and well-wishers
Types of Marriage
There are different types of marriage in Nigerian communities. They
1. monogamy, and
2. polygamy
3. polyandry
Strategies& Activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
Explain marriage
Mention two types of marriage
State two purpose of marriage

WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
Marriage is the coming together of …………… and ……………….
Define marriage
Marriage can occur between people of ………………………………..

Topic: Marriage
Subtitle: Types of marriage
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. explain types of marriage
2. state two types of marriage
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: picture charts

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Types of marriage
There are different types of marriage in Nigerian communities. They
1. Monogamy
2. Polygamy
3. Polyandry

Monogamy is when a man marries only one wife. This type of marriage is common among Christians in Nigeria. It is believed to be wrong fora Christian to marry more than one wife.
Monogamy is the most common type of marriage.

This is when a man marries two or more wives. It is common among the Muslims and those who practise traditional religion. This type of marriage is common among the rich people in Nigeria, as they use it to display their wealth. In the traditional setting, people believe that the more wives they have, the more their children would be, as well as their farms and wealth.

Polyandry is when a woman marries more than one husband at a time. This type of marriage is practised in some parts of China, Tibet and Nepel, and India.

Strategies& Activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
What is polygamy
Mention three types of marriage
WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
The marriage of one man to two wives is called ……………..
Which type of marriage is most popular?
Polygamy is common what group of people?
What is polyandry?


Topic: Marriage
Subtitle: Marriage practices in Nigeria
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
Explain how marriage is contracted
State four objects used in marriage ceremony
Explain marriage practices
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: picture charts
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Marriage practices are different among ethnic group, but for a couple to get married;
two individuals must agree together to marry each other.
Then, they must involve their families. This means that the two families must agree to the proposed marriage.
the family and the couple will set a date for the marriage ceremony
the man to marry will pay bride price, which is in form of money to the bride family
Objects used in contracting marriage
Different forms or customs of marriage use different objects. The objects used according to each custom are as follow:
Traditional marriage
The objects used are according to each ethnic group.
Yoruba: the yoruba communities use the following objects; Yams, Bitter kola, Palm wine, kolanuts, salt, money, alligator pepper, sugarcane, schnapps, honey and soft drinks.



Yams Kolanuts Schnapps



Igbo: Garden egg, money, groundnut, schnapps, cloths, palm wine, yams and kolanuts

Cloths Palm wine
Hausa/Fulani: Hausa/Fulani traditional marriage is based mostly on Islamic doctrine, starting from the introduction to the wedding ceremony, but not all Hausa/Fulani are muslims. Some of the items used are: kolanuts, cloths, jewellery, salt, shoes, money.

Christian or church marriage: Holy Bible, Rings, Suit for the groom, gown for the bride.
Islamic marriage: Qur’an, praying mat, and kettle.
Court marriage/marriage by ordinance: This does not require any special item. However, holy books may be used for the oath of marriage according to the couple’s religion. The Christians may use the Holy Bible while the Muslims use the Holy Qur’an.Also some forms are filled and a certificate is given to the couple.
Strategies& Activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
1. Mention three objects used in marriage by the igbo community
Mention one object used for court marriage
WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
Write two objects used in Islamic marriage
State two marriage practice in Nigeria

Topic: marriage
Subtitle: Forms Marriage
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
Explain marriage custom
Mention two marriage customs
Explain similarities in marriage custom
Differentiate the differences in marriage custom
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: picture chart
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Form of marriage
This is different from types of marriage and it is also known as marriage customs.For marriage to be accepted as legal or lawful in Nigeria, it mustbe done in a proper way. The various,proper forms of marriage inNigeria are:
1. Traditional or customary marriage.
2. Christian marriage.
3. Islamic marriage.
4. Court marriage or marriage by ordinances or marriage under the act.

Traditional marriage
This is done according to the laws and customs of a particular people. It is also called customary marriage. Every community has its own method of carrying out traditional marriage. This type of marriage allows a man to marry many wives. When a man marries many wives, it is called polygamous marriage. Traditional marriage can take place anywhere in the community. It is usually hosted by the family of the bride that is the wife. It may take place in the house of the bride’s parents, the extended family’s compound or elsewhere.
The groom gets to pay bride price or bride wealth which is the money paid to the woman’s parents by the man’s parents.



Christian marriage
Christian marriage is the type of marriage that is performed by a pastor or a priest in the church. The bride’s and groom’s relatives are always present during the occasion. Many other relations, friends and church members also attend. Christian marriage involves one man, one wife. This is a monogamous marriage.
Once the bride and the groom are pronounced husband and wife, the wedding is done and they can begin to live together. Christian marriage does not allow divorce. Divorce is when a man and woman decide to end their marriage and separate, to live apart.

Islamic marriage
This is performed in the mosque by the Imam. Islamic marriage allows a man to marry as many as four wives, if he can take care of them. It is a polygamous type of marriage. An Islamic service called Nikkaiis performed by a Muslim leader at the bride parents’ house or in the mosque.

Court marriage or marriage by ordinance
Court marriage can also be called marriage by ordinance or marriage under the marriage act. It takes place in the registry and not in a court of law. It is usually performed by the court registrar or local government official. It allows a man to marry only one wife. A man and a woman who marries another person when the existing marriage has not been dissolved (ended by law) have committed an offence called bigamy.

Strategies& Activities:
Step: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
List three marriage forms
What is bride pride?
Explain court marriage
WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
1. Who pays bride price and to who?
2. Court marriage is also called ……………………
3. What is divorce ?

Topic: Drugs
Subtitle: Common drugs in our community
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
Define drugs
State the difference between synthetic and natural drugs

Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: chart
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Meaning of drugs and common drugs
Drug was defined as a substance that is taken into the body or applied on the body to cure diseases and illness. Some of the drugs that many of us usually take are paracetamol, multivitamins, asprin, chloroquine, cough syrups, iodine and methylated spirit.
Many of us also take drugs that are prepared from herbs and plants. Some of these drugs are made from lemon grass, lime, mango, guava and pawpaw leaves, as well as the leaves, barks and roots of other plants.

Synthetic and Natural drugs
Synthetic drugs: these are drugs made by man using chemicals, examples cocaine and scopolamine.

Natural drugs: are drugs which are obtained from living organisms example plants. Natural drugs are herbal concoction, examples penicillin and shrooms.

Strategies and activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
Define drugs
WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
What is natural drug?
Define synthetic drug
Write two examples of natural drugs.


Topic: Drugs
Subtitle: Drug administrator
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
State the right people to administer drugs
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: charts
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
The right people to administer drugs
People are not to take drugs on their own, if anyone sick first of all he or she must first go to a doctor and get a test to know what disease it is and the prescribe drugs to be taken. Children must not take drugs on their own.
The following are the people that can give common drugs:
Our parents – Our parents can help us to use common drugs in the right way. They can also help us to use drugs prescribed by doctors at the normal or appropriate time.
Our teachers – At times when we are ill, we may not like to stay away from school. We therefore take our drugs to school. Our teachers can give us the drug at the normal time while in school.
The nurses – A nurse is a person whose job is to take care of a sick person in the hospital. A nurse can give drugs while the patient is still at the hospital.
The doctors – A doctor is a person that is trained in medicine and has the role of treating ill or sick people. Doctors are qualified to prescribe and give drugs to sick people. They know the right drug to give as well as the appropriate dose (the ways to use the drugs).
The pharmacists – A pharmacists is a person whose job is to prepare drug for sale or give them to people in a store or hospital. Pharmacists are also qualified to give drugs to people.
Strategies and activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation: 1.Who is a pharmacist?
WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
1. Write five people that can administer drugs
Who are those that should not take drugs on their own?

Topic: Drugs
Subtitle: Drug abuse
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
Define drug abuse
State ways to identify someone abusing drugs
State drugs that are commonly abused
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: charts
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Meaning of drug abuse
We can define drug abuse as the wrong and harmful intake of drugs especially without a doctor’s prescription.
Ways a person can abuse drugs:
a) taking drugs wrongly especially without doctor’s advice.
b) taking drugs when you are not sick.
c) taking more than what the doctor prescribes.
d) taking less than what the doctor prescribes
e) buying drugs from the bus, markets, road side or unregistered medicine stores.
Drugs that are commonly abused: it can be grouped into;
Common drugs: paracetamol and vitamin C
Legal drugs: Valium 5
Illegal drugs: Heroine and cocaine
Other substances that can be abused included: Alcohol, snuff, tabacco, kolanut, cigarette, etc.
Ways to know someone who abuse drugs
Untidy appearance
Drunken behaviour

Strategies and activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation: 1. Who is a pharmacist?
WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
1. Write five people that can administer drugs
Who are those that should not take drugs on their own?


Sources of Danger: Drug Abuse and How Drugs Can be Abused

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