Dictation For The Week 3 Spellings English Grammar Primary 6 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Third Term Lesson Notes English Grammar Primary 6 Weekly Plan Presentation 

Subject : English Grammar

Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6 / Grade 6

Term :Third Term

Week :Week 3


Topic : Dictation For The Week 3 Primary 6 Third Term Lesson Notes Spellings 


Previous Lesson 



Learning Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to look up words in the dictionary to find their meanings, word classes, and pronunciation.
  2. Students will understand the usage of the given words in sentences.
  3. Students will enhance their vocabulary and communication skills.
  4. Students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through word analysis and sentence construction.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Vocabulary development
  3. Pronunciation skills
  4. Sentence construction
  5. Research skills

Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Dictionary (physical or online)
  3. Handout with the given words (embezzlement, obituary, ovulation, phobia, valedictory, politics, enlarge, germ, public, brutal)
  4. Sample sentences for each word (prepared by the teacher)
  5. Evaluation sheets for assessment
  6. Timer or clock


Topic: Exploring Words in the Dictionary

Today, class, we are going to expand our vocabulary and learn some new words! We will look up the meaning, word classes, and pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary. Let’s get started:

  1. Embezzlement:
    • Meaning: The act of dishonestly taking someone else’s money or property that has been entrusted to your care.
    • Word class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ɪmˈbɛz.əl.mənt/
    • Example sentence: The accountant was charged with embezzlement after stealing money from the company.
  2. Obituary:
    • Meaning: A notice or announcement of a person’s death, often published in a newspaper or online.
    • Word class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /əˈbɪtʃ.uˌɛri/
    • Example sentence: The obituary in the newspaper paid tribute to the famous actor’s life and achievements.
  3. Ovulation:
    • Meaning: The process in a female’s menstrual cycle when an egg is released from the ovary.
    • Word class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˌoʊv.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/
    • Example sentence: Ovulation typically occurs around the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
  4. Phobia:
    • Meaning: An extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something.
    • Word class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˈfoʊ.bi.ə/
    • Example sentence: Sarah has a phobia of heights, which makes it difficult for her to climb tall buildings.
  5. Valedictory:
    • Meaning: A speech or statement made at the end of a school year, graduation, or event, bidding farewell or expressing good wishes.
    • Word class: Adjective or Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˌvæl.əˈdɪk.tər.i/
    • Example sentence: Mark’s valedictory speech moved everyone at the graduation ceremony.
  6. Politics:
    • Meaning: The activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government.
    • Word class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˈpɑl.əˌtɪks/
    • Example sentence: The students had a lively discussion about politics during their social studies class.
  7. Enlarge:
    • Meaning: To make something bigger in size or scope.
    • Word class: Verb
    • Pronunciation: /ɪnˈlɑrdʒ/
    • Example sentence: The photographer decided to enlarge the picture to showcase its details.
  8. Germ:
    • Meaning: A microorganism, especially one that causes disease.
    • Word class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: /dʒɜrm/
    • Example sentence: Washing your hands regularly helps prevent the spread of germs.
  9. Public:
    • Meaning: Of or concerning the people as a whole; open to or shared by all members of the community.
    • Word class: Adjective or Noun
    • Pronunciation: /ˈpʌb.lɪk/
    • Example sentence: The park is a public space where people can gather and enjoy outdoor activities.
  10. Brutal:
    • Meaning: Extremely cruel or harsh; showing no mercy.
    • Word class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: /ˈbruː.t̬əl/
    • Example sentence: The victim suffered brutal injuries as a result of the violent attack.


Great job, class! You have successfully learned the meanings, word classes, and pronunciations of these words. Now, it’s time to expand your language skills by incorporating these words into your own sentences. Remember to be creative and use proper grammar. Keep up the good work!



  1. The act of dishonestly taking someone else’s money or property is known as ___________. a) embezzlement b) obituary c) politics
  2. An announcement of a person’s death, often published in a newspaper, is called an ___________. a) obituary b) ovulation c) enlarge
  3. ___________ refers to the release of an egg from the ovary in a female’s menstrual cycle. a) ovulation b) phobia c) valedictory
  4. A(n) ___________ is an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something. a) phobia b) germ c) public
  5. The speech or statement made at the end of a school year, graduation, or event to bid farewell is called a(n) ___________. a) valedictory b) enlarge c) brutal
  6. ___________ refers to the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government. a) politics b) ovulation c) public
  7. To make something bigger in size or scope is to ___________. a) enlarge b) valedictory c) embezzlement
  8. A microorganism, especially one that causes disease, is called a ___________. a) germ b) obituary c) phobia
  9. ___________ describes something that is related to or concerning the people as a whole. a) public b) brutal c) politics
  10. Something that is extremely cruel or harsh, showing no mercy, can be described as ___________. a) brutal b) enlarge c) ovulation

Great job, class! Remember to read each question carefully before selecting your answer. These questions will help reinforce your understanding of the meanings, word classes, and pronunciations of the given words.



Lesson Plan Presentation


Subject: English Grammar

Class: Primary 6

Topic: Look up the meaning, word classes, and pronunciation of given words in the dictionary and use each word in at least a sentence.

Duration: 1 hour


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
    • Greet the students and briefly explain the purpose of the lesson.
    • Share the learning objectives with the class.
  2. Explanation of Key Concepts (10 minutes)
    • Introduce the concept of using a dictionary to look up words.
    • Explain the importance of understanding meanings, word classes, and pronunciation.
    • Provide examples of how using a dictionary can enhance language skills.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes)
    • Display each word on the whiteboard and discuss its meaning with the class.
    • Explain the word class (noun, verb, adjective) for each word.
    • Guide the students in pronouncing each word correctly, focusing on any challenging sounds.
    • Model sentence construction using the words and explain their context and usage.
    • Encourage students to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
  4. Learners’ Activities (25 minutes)
    • Distribute the handout with the given words to each student.
    • Instruct the students to individually look up the words in the dictionary.
    • Ask them to write down the meanings, word classes, and pronunciation for each word.
    • Provide time for students to use the words in sentences. Encourage creativity and accuracy.
    • Monitor and assist students as needed.
  5. Assessment (5 minutes)
    • Collect the students’ handouts for evaluation.
    • Use the evaluation sheets to assess their understanding of the meanings, word classes, and pronunciation.
    • Give feedback and provide suggestions for improvement.
  6. Evaluation Questions (5 minutes)
    1. What is the meaning of the word “embezzlement”?
    2. Which word class does “ovulation” belong to?
    3. How do you pronounce the word “phobia”?
    4. Write a sentence using the word “valedictory.”
    5. Define the term “politics.”
    6. What does it mean to “enlarge” something?
    7. Give an example of a germ that causes disease.
    8. Describe something that is “brutal.”
    9. Explain the concept of the “public” in society.
    10. Use the word “obituary” in a sentence.
  7. Conclusion (5 minutes)
    • Recap the main points of the lesson.
    • Emphasize the importance of using a dictionary for vocabulary development.
    • Encourage students to continue exploring new words and expanding their language skills.
  8. Homework (optional)
    • Assign students to find and write down the meanings word classes, and pronunciation of five additional words of their choice in the dictionary. They should also construct sentences using these words and be prepared to share their findings in the next class.
  9. Note: This lesson plan can be adjusted based on the available time and classroom dynamics. It is important to adapt the activities to suit the needs of the students and ensure active participation throughout the lesson.

Remember, learning is a continuous process, and expanding vocabulary will greatly benefit students in their academic and personal lives. Keep up the good work and continue exploring the fascinating world of words!

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