Uses of Auxiliary Verbs Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 6

Class 3 Scheme Of Work Second Term English

Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies

Scheme Of Work

Second Term

Class 3 /Primary 3/Basic 3

English Grammar


Week 6

Topic : Uses of Auxiliary Verbs


Previous Lesson 

Use of punctuation marks and capital letters at the beginning and end of sentences Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 4 and 5




  • Students will be able to identify auxiliary verbs in a sentence.
  • Students will be able to explain the different uses of auxiliary verbs in a sentence.





Embedded Core Skills

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Critical thinking and problem solving




  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Handouts with examples of sentences with auxiliary verbs
  • Worksheets for individual practice



Auxiliary verbs are special kinds of verbs that help to give more information about the main verb in a sentence. They are also known as helping verbs.

Here are some examples of how auxiliary verbs are used:

  1. To show tense: Auxiliary verbs can help to show when an action happened. For example:
  • I am playing soccer. (“am” is the auxiliary verb that shows present tense)
  • She was singing in the choir. (“was” is the auxiliary verb that shows past tense)
  1. To make questions: Auxiliary verbs are often used to make questions. For example:
  • Are you coming to the party? (“are” is the auxiliary verb used to make the question)
  • Has she finished her homework? (“has” is the auxiliary verb used to make the question)
  1. To form negatives: Auxiliary verbs can be used to make negative statements. For example:
  • I cannot swim. (“can” is the auxiliary verb used to make the negative statement)
  • They didn’t finish their dinner. (“did” is the auxiliary verb used to make the negative statement)
  1. To add emphasis: Auxiliary verbs can be used to add emphasis to a sentence. For example:
  • She did study for the test. (“did” is the auxiliary verb used to emphasize that she actually studied)
  • He does like to eat pizza. (“does” is the auxiliary verb used to emphasize that he really likes pizza)


Lesson Presentation

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Begin by asking students if they know what a verb is and give a brief explanation of verbs.
  • Explain that auxiliary verbs are special kinds of verbs that help to give more information about the main verb in a sentence.
  • Show examples of sentences with auxiliary verbs on the whiteboard.

Body (20 minutes):

  • Explain the different uses of auxiliary verbs using examples on the whiteboard.
  • Give students handouts with sentences with auxiliary verbs and ask them to identify the auxiliary verbs in each sentence.
  • Have students share their answers with the class and discuss why each verb is an auxiliary verb.
  • Give students worksheets for individual practice identifying auxiliary verbs in sentences.


  1. She _______ dancing when I arrived. Answer: was
  2. I _______ never been to Australia before. Answer: have
  3. They _______ their lunch yet. Answer: haven’t
  4. _______ you come to the party with me? Answer: Will
  5. He _______ been studying for his test for hours. Answer: has
  6. _______ they finish their homework last night? Answer: Did
  7. I _______ swim very well when I was younger. Answer: could
  8. She _______ going to the concert tomorrow. Answer: is
  9. He _______ playing soccer after school. Answer: will be
  10. They _______ walking home from school every day. Answer: are

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Recap the different uses of auxiliary verbs and give examples of how they can be used in everyday conversation.
  • Ask students to share one sentence they came up with using an auxiliary verb.


  • Observe students as they identify auxiliary verbs in sentences during class discussion and individual practice.
  • Collect and review completed worksheets to assess students’ understanding of auxiliary verbs.


  • Have students write a short paragraph using at least three different auxiliary verbs.
  • Challenge students to create a dialogue between two characters using auxiliary verbs to express different tenses and emotions
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