Use of punctuation marks and capital letters at the beginning and end of sentences Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 4 and 5

Class 3 Scheme Of Work Second Term English

Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies

Scheme Of Work

Second Term

Class 3 /Primary 3/Basic 3

English Grammar


Week 4 and 5

Topic : Use of punctuation marks and capital letters at the beginning and end of sentences Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 4 and 5


Previous Lesson 

Grammar : Tenses _ present, Past and past participle Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 3





Students will be able to understand and correctly use punctuation marks and capital letters at the beginning and end of sentences.






Embedded Core Skills

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Critical thinking and problem solving




  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Punctuation marks and capital letters flashcards
  • Practice worksheets
  • Interactive activities, such as online games or videos




Use of punctuation marks and capital letters at the beginning and end of sentences

Punctuation marks are used to help readers understand the meaning of a sentence. They help to break up sentences into smaller parts and indicate when to pause or stop. There are several different types of punctuation marks, but we’ll focus on three of the most common ones: periods, question marks, and exclamation marks.

  1. Periods (.)

Periods are used at the end of a sentence that is a statement or a command. They tell us that the sentence is finished. For example:

  • I love ice cream. (statement)
  • Clean your room. (command)
  1. Question marks (?)

Question marks are used at the end of a sentence that is a question. They tell us that the sentence is asking something. For example:

  • What is your favorite color?
  • Did you eat breakfast this morning?
  1. Exclamation marks (!)

Exclamation marks are used at the end of a sentence that expresses strong emotion or emphasis. For example:

  • I’m so excited to go to the beach!
  • Be careful, the road is slippery!

Now let’s talk about capital letters. Capital letters are used at the beginning of a sentence or proper nouns (like names of people, places, or things). They help to show the start of a new sentence or to emphasize the importance of a specific noun. For example:

  • My name is Sarah. (the name Sarah is capitalized because it’s a proper noun)
  • Yesterday, I went to New York City. (the words “New York City” are capitalized because it’s a proper noun)

So, to summarize:

  • Periods (.) are used at the end of a sentence that is a statement or a command.
  • Question marks (?) are used at the end of a sentence that is a question.
  • Exclamation marks (!) are used at the end of a sentence that expresses strong emotion or emphasis.
  • Capital letters are used at the beginning of a sentence or proper Nouns


  1. Which punctuation mark is used to end a sentence that is a statement or a command? a) Period (.) b) Question mark (?) c) Exclamation mark (!)
  2. Which punctuation mark is used at the end of a sentence that is a question? a) Period (.) b) Question mark (?) c) Exclamation mark (!)
  3. Which punctuation mark is used at the end of a sentence that expresses strong emotion or emphasis? a) Period (.) b) Question mark (?) c) Exclamation mark (!)
  4. Which letter should be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence? a) the first letter of every word b) the first letter of the first word c) the last letter of the first word
  5. Which word should be capitalized in the following sentence? “the united states of america is a country in north america.” a) united b) states c) america
  6. Which word should be capitalized in the following sentence? “my favorite movie is harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone.” a) favorite b) movie c) Harry Potter
  7. Which word should be capitalized in the following sentence? “i am going to the grand canyon national park in arizona.” a) going b) Grand Canyon c) park
  8. Which punctuation mark would you use at the end of this sentence: “What is your favorite color”? a) period (.) b) question mark (?) c) exclamation mark (!)
  9. Which punctuation mark would you use at the end of this sentence: “I can’t believe we won the game”! a) period (.) b) question mark (?) c) exclamation mark (!)
  10. Which punctuation mark would you use at the end of this sentence: “Please be quiet during the movie.” a) period (.) b) question mark (?) c) exclamation mark (!)

Lesson Presentation

  1. A __________ is used at the end of a sentence that is a statement or a command.
  2. A __________ is used at the end of a sentence that is a question.
  3. A __________ is used at the end of a sentence that expresses strong emotion or emphasis.
  4. The __________ letter of the first word in a sentence should be capitalized.
  5. The name of a __________ should be capitalized.
  6. The name of a __________ should be capitalized.
  7. The name of a __________ should be capitalized.
  8. Which punctuation mark would you use at the end of this sentence: “What is your favorite animal __________”?
  9. Which punctuation mark would you use at the end of this sentence: “I’m so excited for the school __________”!
  10. Which punctuation mark would you use at the end of this sentence: “Please clean your room __________”?
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