SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019 CLASS: PRIMARY 3                                                         SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Comprehension Ekaete’s Sad Experience Ekaete is a very good girl. She helps her mother to cook every day. After cooking, she serves her father and younger ones. She later washes the dishes and cleans up the kitchen. Her mother is very proud of her. At her school, her teacher Mr. Ekpenyong loves her for her hard work and honesty. She always writes her notes and does her homework. Her classmates also love her. She is gentle and humble. She shares everything she has with her friends. One day Ekaete arrived late at home because of a traffic jam. She quickly rushed to the kitchen to prepare the family’s supper. After some time, the kerosene in her stove suddenly finished. In her haste to cook for her family on time, she did not turn off the stove before she poured kerosene into its little tank. This caused the stove to burst into flames and burn her. The last thing she remembered, when she woke up later in the hospital, was a sound like a gun before she fainted. The doctor treated her for the burns she had. Later, the doctor called Ekaete to his office. He told her that she made a serious mistake by not turning off the stove before she poured Kerosene into it. 
.. Answer the following questions: 1.)   Who is a good girl ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  
2.)   How does she help her mother? __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  
3.)   Why does her teacher like her? __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  
. 4.)   Why do her classmates love her?_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  
. 5.)   What was she doing when fire burned her? _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  
. English Grammar
. Underline the correct conjunctions in each of the following sentences 6.)   They had to leave early (because,  until) they had another meeting to attend
. 7.)   You will not be able to solve it (unless,  since) you understand the question
. 8.)   My brother slept early (so that,  because) he could get up early the next morning
. 9.)   I like reading story books _____________ I don’t like drawing (but,  and)
. 10.)    Wash your hand (before, both) you touch the body.
  Form adjectives from the words given below:
11.)    anger                 __________________________
12.)    use                     __________________________
13.)    health                __________________________
14.)    care                    __________________________
.15.)    power                __________________________  
Replace the underline word with a suitable verb
Example: Taiwo spoke to his mother in a loud tone  = loudly
16.)    The dancers danced with grace = ________________________
.17.)    My brothers go to South East once a year  = _________________________
.18.)    The lady took care of the baby with love  = __________________________
19.)    They visit their grandparents once a week = __________________________
20.)    The teacher spoke to them in a serious tone  = _________________________  
English Composition Write composition not more than ten lines on “My Mother”  
English Literature: Too Playful to Learn   1.)   How many times does the bell ring to signal that break is over in Ade’s school ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
. 2.)   Mention two equipments used   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
. 3.)   Mention three things that were lacking in Ade’s village   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4.)   Why do the villagers prefer to have their meals before nightfall ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
5.)   _____________________________________ was the only thing that mattered in the village    
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