Unified Schemes of Work

Plan Lesson Notes

Subject : Christian Religious Studies

Class : Primary Four

Class : Second Term

Week : Week 7




  1. According to John 8:1-11, what did the scribes and Pharisees bring to Jesus? a) A man caught in adultery b) A blind beggar c) A woman caught in adultery
  2. What did the scribes and Pharisees ask Jesus in John 8:5? a) “Should we stone this woman?” b) “What do you say about this woman’s sin?” c) “Is it lawful for us to stone this woman?”
  3. In John 8:7, how did Jesus respond to the scribes and Pharisees’ question? a) “Stone her, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone.” b) “Let the woman go and sin no more.” c) “I have no authority to judge this woman.”
  4. According to John 8:9, what happened to the scribes and Pharisees after Jesus’ response? a) They stoned the woman to death. b) They dropped their stones and left one by one. c) They repented of their sins and followed Jesus.
  5. In Mark 10:46-52, who called out to Jesus as he was leaving Jericho? a) A blind man named Bartimaeus b) A leper seeking healing c) A woman with an issue of blood
  6. What did Bartimaeus cry out to Jesus in Mark 10:47? a) “Lord, heal me!” b) “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!” c) “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
  7. According to Mark 10:51, what did Jesus say to Bartimaeus after he called out to him? a) “Your faith has healed you.” b) “Go and sin no more.” c) “You are saved by grace.”
  8. What did Bartimaeus do after Jesus healed him in Mark 10:52? a) He went and told everyone what had happened. b) He followed Jesus on the road. c) He went back to his old way of life.
  9. In John 8:10-11, what did Jesus say to the woman caught in adultery after the scribes and Pharisees had left? a) “Your sins are forgiven.” b) “Go and sin no more.” c) “You are saved by grace.”
  10. According to John 8:11, what did Jesus tell the woman caught in adultery to do? a) “Go and tell everyone what has happened.” b) “Go and sin no more.” c) “Follow me and I will show you the way.”
  11. How did Jesus demonstrate his love for mankind in John 3:16? a) By sacrificing his life on the cross b) By performing miracles c) By teaching about God’s love
  12. In Mark 1:40-41, how did Jesus demonstrate his love for the leper? a) By healing him of his disease b) By giving him money c) By giving him food
  13. According to John 13:1, how did Jesus demonstrate his love for his disciples? a) By washing their feet b) By preaching to them c) By performing miracles for them
  14. In Mark 5:25-34, how did Jesus demonstrate his love for the woman with the issue of blood? a) By healing her of her disease b) By giving her money c) By teaching her about God’s love
  15. How did Jesus demonstrate his love for the Samaritan woman in John 4:1-26? a) By healing her of her disease b) By giving her money c) By revealing himself as the Messiah
  16. In Mark 6:30-44, how did Jesus demonstrate his love for the crowds that followed him? a) By preaching to them b) By feeding them with loaves and fishes c) By healing their sick
  17. According to John 9:1-41, how did Jesus demonstrate his love for the man born blind? a) By healing him of his blindness b) By giving him money c) By teaching him about God’s love
  18. In Matthew 14:22-33, how did Jesus demonstrate his love for Peter? a) By walking on water with him b) By giving him money c) By preaching to him
  19. How did Jesus demonstrate his love for the thief on the cross in Luke 23:32-43? a) By healing him of his disease b) By forgiving him of his sins c) By giving him money
  20. In John 11:1-44, how did Jesus demonstrate his love for Lazarus? a) By healing him of his disease b) By giving him money c) By raising him from the dead
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