Primary 5 Third Term Examination Christian Religious Studies


Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. __________ is God’s only begotten son.

[a] moses [b] Jesus [c] Joshua

2. _____________ showed love to the wounded man

[a] Judas lscariot [b] John [c] The good samaritan

3. Which of these words means love ?

[a] affection [b] anger [c] hatred

4. All these are fruits of the spirit except ___________.

[a] peace [b] joy [c] disobedience

5. God gave man ______________ over other creature.

[a] dominion [b] anger [c] age

6. God intervened to set lsrealites free through _____________.

[a] Joshua [b] Paul [c] Moses

7. ____________ was a faithful servant

[a] Stephen [b] Samson [c] Judas

8. Jehovah Jireh means God our ______________

[a] healer [b] provider [c] rock

9. Daniel was thrown into ______________

[a] furnace [b] snake’s pit [c] lions den

10. ______________ killed Goliath

[a] Samson [b] David [c] Daniel

11. Who did God gave the ten commandment to ?

[a] Joshua [b] Pharaoh [c] moses

12. The prodigal son journeyed to ______________

[a] Jerusalem [b] a far country [c] Egypt

13. ……………… was not among the three Hebrew’s thrown into flame of fire

[a] Meshach [b] Shedrach [c] Jehosphat

14. 1 John 4 V 8 tells us that God is ……………….

[a] love [b] powerful [c] wicked

15. The Holy spirit guides our talents properly

[a] may be [b] true [c] false


Attempt all question in this section

1. What is love?

b. List 3 reasons we should love one another.

2. State 3 importance of loving one another.

b. State four fruits of the Holy Spirit.

3. Define Reward

b. Write three rewards of working for God.

4. List 3 influence of the holy spirit in our daily lives.

5. Who is the holy spirit?


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