Meaning of Sewage and Refuse

Subject : P.H.E  Physical And Health Education 

Topic : Meaning of Sewage and Refuse



WeekWEEK 7


Instructional Materials :

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials :

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of the previous topics

Personal, School and Community Health


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • Mention the three types of sewage.
  • Define the term refuse.
  • Explain what  is sewage?
  • Mention the three types of sewage



Content :


CONTENT: Waste Disposal

Waste disposal is the collection, processing and recycling of the waste materials of human society. The term ‘waste’ covers both solid waste/refuse and sewage.


What is Sewage?

Sewage primarily means liquid wastes emanating from domestic, industrials and commercial effluents. Sewage is the mixture of waste from human body and used water that is carried out of houses by sewers.

The process of sewage is necessary so as to control the spread of water and food borne diseases. It serves as a barrier that can isolate disease causing organisms (pathogens) in faeces and urine, thereby preventing them from spreading.

Sewage disposal is highly essential because it determines the atmospheric condition of an environment and as such, it must be given proper attention so as to prevent diseases such as cholera, dysentery etc.




What is Refuse?

Refuse is a solid waste materials emanating from various activities of human being combustible.

The process of doing away with dirt generated by people living in a particular environment is called refuse disposal.

This must be done in such a way that it will not constitute nuisance to the society, thereby causing health hazards.


Types of Sewage

  • Domestic Sewage
  • Industrial Sewage
  • Storm Sewage


The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise





  1. Explain the term waste disposal
  2. What is sewage?


  1. Mention the three types of sewage.
  2. Define the term refuse.
  3. What is sewage?



  1. Sewage disposal prevent diseases such as __________ cataract   B. myopia    C. glaucoma     D. cholera
  2. The following are types of sewage except __________ marine    B. domestic    C. industrial    D. storm
  3. Refuse is a ____________ materials solid waste    B. liquid waste     C. major waste     D. all of the above
  4. The disease causing organism is called _________ insects    B. pathogens    C. amoeba     D. pathology
  5. Sewage primarily means __________ liquid waste    B. solid waste    C. minor waste   D. none of the above



  1. Mention the three types of sewage
  2. What is sanitation?







Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.



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