Exams Questions Grade 5 CRS Third Term






NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________

DATE __________

  1. _________ is illegal and bad. (a) honesty b) contentment (c) corruption
  2. The following are causes of corruption except ______ (a) good friend (b) power (c) greed.
  3. Who is the king of Israel in 1 Kings 21 vs 1-29? (a) David (b) Solomon (c) Ahab.
  4. Jezebel was _____ wife. (a) David’s (b) Naboth’s c) Ahab’s
  5. The commander of army of the king of Syria is _______ (a) Gehazi (b) Elisha (c) Naaman
  6. At the end, Gehazi and his descendants becomes ______ (a) leper (b) leprous (c) leprosy
  7. Desire to do something wrong and unwise is known as _______ (a) procrastination (b) covetousness (c) temptation
  8. We can overcome temptation through _______ 9a) dishonesty (b) prayer (c) pride
  9. It is good to keep bad companies TRUE/FALSE
  10. Corruption is a good habit. TRUE/FALSE
  11. Jonah was swallowed by a _____ (a) shark (b) fish (c) whale.
  12. Jonah was a ______ (a) servant (b) prophet (c) nobody
  13. Jesus resurrected on the ____ day. (a) second (b) forth (c) third
  14. Jesus died on the _____ (a) cross of Calvary (b) cross of Jerusalem (c) cross of Israel
  15. Where did the lord sent Elijah? (a) Jordan (b) Israel (c) Bethel
  16. Who went up by a whirlwind to heaven? (a) Elijah b) Elisha (c) Eli
  17. What was used to block the tomb of Jesus? (a) door (b) plank (c) stone.
  18. Why did Jesus died? (a) for our sins (b) for money (c) for fame.
  19. Where did the disciples meet Jesus after resurrection? (a) Israel (b) Jordan (c) Galilee
  20. What day of the week did Jesus resurrected? (a) Monday (b) Friday (c) Sunday


  1. Explain briefly on Naboth’s vineyard
  2. List three causes of corruption
  3. Explain how Naaman was healed
  4. What is Temptation?
  5. Mention three ways we can overcome temptation.
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