Primary 5 Social Studies First Term


CLASS: PRIMARY 5                                                                 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES 



  • The following are problems of marriage except ____________

(a) being honest with each other (b) financial problem (c) delay in child bearing

  • The sister of your mother or father is called your ____________ (a) uncle (b) aunts (c) cousin
  • ___________ is the total way of life and customs of people (a) culture (b) marriage (c) family
  • A _______ is a group of people related by blood or marriage (a) marriage (b) family (c) friend
  • There are _________ types of family (a) three (b) two (c) five
  • _____________ is the legal union between a man and a woman to become husband and wife

(a) family (b) marriage (c) dating

  • There are over ____________ different cultural groups ethnics (a) 250 (b) 5 (c) 50
  • In a family, the ______________ provides the family needs (a) mother (b) father (c) uncle
  • The national honours award which is bestowed on president, vice president and military head of state are _____ and _______ (a) GCON and GCFR (b) OFN and MFR (c) OON and CFR


  • Which of the following is the duties of responsible parent hood (a) encourage bad behavior (b) teach them good morals and values (c) don’t care for their children’s welfare


Section B

  • What is a family? ___________________________________________________________



b.) List five members of extended family                  (a) ________________________________

(b) ________________________________           (c) ________________________________

(d) ________________________________           (e) ________________________________


  • Mention five aspect of culture      (a) ________________________________     (b) ________________________________     (c) ________________________________     (d) ________________________________     (e) ________________________________


b.) Mention two responsibility of parent to their children

(a) ________________________________     (b) ________________________________


  • What is STDs? ______________________________________________________________



b.) State three examples of STDs

(a) ________________________________     (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________

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