Development of computer First Term Examination Primary 5 Computer Studies




NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………


1.) Development of computer from one period to another is called _______________

(a) computer age (b) computer generation (c) computer stage


2.) The computer devices have gone through ____________ generations.

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5


3.) A calculator is an example of ___________ computer.

(a) analog (b) digital (c) hybrid


4.) Artificial Intelligence is used by ____________ generation computer

(a) first (b) fourth (c) fifth


5.) The smallest, cheapest and most commonly used computer is called ________

(a) mini computer (b) micro computer (c) super computer


6.) Micro-computers are also known as ____________

(a) Personal computer (b) super computer (c) analog computer


7.) The technology used by first generation computer was __________

(a) vacuum tube (b) transistors (c) integrated circuit


8.) _______________________________ is an example of personal computer


9.) A wall clock is an example of ___________ computer

(a) analog (b) hybrid (c) digital


10.) _______________ computer is designed to perform one specific task at a time

(a) general purpose (b) school purpose (c) special purpose


Section B

1.) Computers by size are classified into four, state them according to their sizes

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________


2.) List three Personal Computers

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________


3.) State the three types of computer

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________




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