4 Conditions That Require First Aid Treatment



Class: Basic 2




Subject:Basic Science


Topic:First Aid



Meaning of first aid





First aid is the first immediate assistance or treatment given to an injured or sick person before arrival of a medical doctor.


The purpose of first aid is to ease

the victims pain and prevent his/her condition from getting worse


Conditions that Requires First Aid


Some of the conditions that which require first aid


1.Severe bleeding










Severe bleeding:Bleeding occurs

when blood flows out of the blood vessels.bleeding can be internal or external.


Fainting:This is a temporary loss of consciousness.A person who has fainted may lose touch with things happening within and around him/her.it may be as a result of insufficient supply of air or blood to the brain.


3.Bruises:Bruises occurs as a result of an accident.it is a common skin injury which occurs when the body is bruised against a hard object.it can be handled by messaging the affected part with an ice block.The affected part can also be cleaned with clean water or disinfectant.


Heat:Heat occurs when the weather becomes to hot to the extent that the body of the victim cannot bear.Too much heat makes people experience shallow breathing,dizziness and sometimes collapse. The victim of heat should be kept at a cool spot or shade,and thereafter the doctor can be invited.


Exhaustion:This is a condition where the body is overworked beyond physical and mental tolerance.Exhaustion occurs when the body is exposed to prolonged and continuous physical and mental activity.


Evaluation Questions


1.Define first aid?


2.List four conditions that requires first aid?









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