100 Thoughtful End-of-Term Report Card Comments for Teachers

Note that end year report on pupils’ assessment cards must be short, concise and accurate 

End of Year Report Card Comments for Pupils

  1. I have truly enjoyed being _______’s teacher and will miss him/her next year.
  2. _______ has made excellent progress in _______ grade and shows great potential.
  3. _______ has done an outstanding job this year and has worked very hard.
  4. I appreciate _______’s motivation and attitude towards learning.
  5. _______ is intelligent but sometimes works below his/her potential due to lack of focus.
  6. _______ succeeds in tasks he/she commits to and shows great perseverance.
  7. I am proud of _______ and wish him/her success in _______ grade and beyond.
  8. _______ has worked very hard this year, and I am proud of all he/she has achieved.
  9. _______ has strengthened his/her skills in __________ and continues to improve.
  10. _______ is respectful and well-liked by classmates.

  1. I am concerned about _______’s organizational skills and responsibility in turning assignments in on time.
  2. _______ sets high standards for himself/herself and consistently meets them.
  3. _______ is kind, helpful, and a pleasure to have in the classroom.
  4. _______ has done well in many areas but needs to improve listening and following directions.
  5. _______ has made significant progress in all academic areas.
  6. _______ is bright, motivated, and hardworking, and I am proud of his/her accomplishments.
  7. _______’s grades have been impacted by missing assignments.
  8. _______ is gaining confidence in ___________ but would benefit from extra practice.
  9. _______ consistently follows classroom rules and sets a good example.
  10. Encourage _______ to practice __________ daily to help improve his/her skills.

  1. _______ has a positive attitude and is a joy to teach.
  2. _______ finds __________ challenging and would benefit from nightly practice.
  3. _______ is a wonderful ______ grader, and I have enjoyed getting to know him/her.
  4. _______ is capable of achieving higher grades in ________ with more effort in certain areas.
  5. _______ excels in creative writing and displays impressive originality.
  6. _______ writes well-organized stories that show his/her creativity.
  7. _______ has strong reading comprehension skills that aid his/her learning.
  8. _______ could improve in reading comprehension and may benefit from additional support.
  9. _______ has made great strides in improving in ___________.
  10. _______ works well with others and is a team player.

  1. _______ is a natural leader who works well with classmates.
  2. _______ is intrinsically motivated and strives for success.
  3. _______ is doing an outstanding job overall this year.
  4. _______ enjoys participating in lessons and adds great value to class discussions.
  5. _______ is compassionate and consistently shows kindness to others.
  6. _______ is creative and produces impressive art/writing projects.
  7. _______ stays on task regardless of the activity.
  8. _______ enjoys school and brings positivity to the classroom.
  9. _______ listens attentively to directions and begins work promptly.
  10. _______ is a polite student and a pleasure to teach.

  1. _______ needs to work on following classroom rules and focusing during quiet work periods.
  2. _______ is very talkative and sometimes distracts others.
  3. _______ finds working quietly challenging but can improve with focus.
  4. _______ has a positive attitude and is always willing to help others.
  5. _______ is a wonderful helper and a classroom leader.
  6. _______ shows enthusiasm for learning and participates actively.
  7. _______ is polite to classmates and respectful to all school staff.
  8. _______ is a problem solver and approaches tasks with persistence.
  9. _______ enjoys challenges and would benefit from additional opportunities for enrichment.
  10. _______ completes his/her work carefully and with attention to detail.





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  1. I appreciate _______’s neat work and careful approach to assignments.
  2. _______ needs to slow down to improve the quality of his/her work.
  3. _______ struggles with organization and would benefit from a more structured workspace.
  4. _______ would benefit from using folders or binders to stay organized.
  5. _______ is very organized and easily finds needed materials.
  6. _______ displays good citizenship in the classroom.
  7. _______ has worked hard to raise his/her grades in ________.
  8. _______ has a strong work ethic and always puts in full effort.
  9. _______ has shown improvement in __________ over the year.
  10. _______ needs to memorize basic math facts to aid in solving more complex problems.

  1. _______ would benefit from additional practice with basic math facts.
  2. Memorizing basic addition/multiplication facts would greatly help _______.
  3. _______ shows particular strength in social studies/science and excels in these areas.
  4. _______ finds social studies/science challenging and may benefit from extra study time.
  5. _______ enjoys social studies/science and has done well this year.
  6. _______ needs to listen and follow directions more carefully.
  7. _______ pays attention to detail in assignments, which I appreciate.
  8. _______ is responsible and turns in homework on time.
  9. _______ uses higher-level thinking skills to complete challenging assignments.
  10. _______ participates actively in group and class discussions.

  1. _______ is eager to learn and asks questions when needed.
  2. _______ has a good understanding of themes, plot, and characters, strengthening his/her reading skills.
  3. _______ reads with expression and fluency.
  4. _______ can analyze data from charts and graphs effectively.
  5. This term, I would like _______ to focus on improving in ___________.
  6. _______ effectively uses reading strategies, boosting comprehension.
  7. _______ has a strong vocabulary that enhances his/her writing.
  8. _______ shows strong knowledge in __________ and shares ideas during discussions.
  9. _______ contributes relevant information that enriches classroom discussions.
  10. _______ consistently puts forth his/her best effort, which is wonderful to see.

  1. _______ arrives at school ready to learn each day.
  2. _______ has exceeded expectations in __________.
  3. _______ works independently and completes enrichment activities when done.
  4. _______ stays focused and completes tasks during independent work times.
  5. I have enjoyed _______’s sense of humor in the classroom.
  6. _______ has a great personality, and his/her humor brightens the class.
  7. _______ is an excellent ______ grader, positively impacting the classroom environment.
  8. _______ uses class time constructively and stays on task.
  9. _______ is flexible and adapts well to new challenges.
  10. This term, I would like _______ to focus on __________ to improve in __________.

  1. _______ uses his/her time wisely and stays productive.
  2. _______ turns in work that is well-organized and beautifully done.
  3. _______ benefits from extra practice and repetition in __________.
  4. _______ shows a keen interest in poetry/reading/music/science and excels in it.
  5. _______ is attentive and is progressing well in all subjects.
  6. I would like _______ to focus on improving in __________ for continued progress.
  7. _______ is a talented artist, and I enjoy his/her passion for creativity.
  8. I have truly enjoyed getting to know _______ and wish him/her success in _______ grade.
  9. I have enjoyed having _______ in class and will miss him/her next year.
  10. _______ is a special student, one I will never forget, and I wish him/her the best in the future.