

  1.    How old was Jesus when he started preaching the word of God (a) nine (b) twelve (c) fifteen
  2.  The parents of Jesus took him to __________ in Jerusalem (a) temple (b) Galilee (c) mountain
  3. ___________ was looking for Jesus but they later found him in the temple (a) his brother (b) his friends (c) his parents
  4. ________ was an old man who God told that he would see Jesus before he died (a) John (b) Simeon (c) Jude
  5.   Is it good to obey our parents  (a) yes (b) no
  6. Jesus and his ____________ crossed a lake in a boat (a) disciples (b) pastors (c) mother
  7.    Who commanded the storm to stop (a) his disciples (b) Jesus (c) Lazarus
  8. Jesus feed ____________ people with five loaves of bread and two fishes (a) three thousand (b) ten thousand (c) five thousand
  9.  Jesus turned water into _________ at a wedding in Cana (a) wine (b) tea (c) fruit
  10. Peter’s mother-in law was sick of ____________ (a) headache (b) fever (c) stomach pain
  11.  Jesus raised _____________ daughter from death (a) Peter’s daughter (b) widow’s daughter (c) Jarius daughter
  12.  Who asked Jesus to turn stones to bread (a) Joseph (b) Satan (c) angel
  13. ________ baptized Jesus Christ (a) John the Baptist (b) Matthew (c) Andrew
  14. Jesus healed the paralyzed man (a) True (b) false
  15.  Hannah gave birth to a child named ________ (a) Samuel (b) Paul (c) John
  16. Jesus fasted for how many days (a) five days and fifty night (b) forty days and forty night (c) ten days and forty nights
  17.  Jesus means ____________ (a) pastor (b) father (c) savior
  18.  Emmanuel means ____________ (a) goliath is with us (b) God with us (c) Mary is with us
  19.  When we confess our sin, we are asking God to _________ us (a) provide (b) forgive (c) beat
  20.  We pray for all these except __________ (a) disobedience (b) protection (c) guidance


Section B

  1. List two food Jesus used to feed the five thousand people   (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________
  2. Mention two people Jesus healed (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________  
  3.  Write three ways of helping people who are sick (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________     
  4.    Who said this statement “I tell you, get up, pick up your bed and go home ________________
  5.    List two people who Jesus raised from the death. (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________  
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