Primary 3 Examinations Third Term P. H. E

    SUBJECT: P. H. E CLASS: BASIC 3 Choose the correct answer from the options. 1. The release of harmful substances into the environment is called [a] cleanliness [b] pollution [c] sanitation 2. Noise is _______________ sound [a] unpleasant [b] pleasant [c] none of A & B 3. Contaminated water can cause ____________________ [a]

Primary 3 Examination First Term All Subjects

Edu Delight Tutors Primary 3 Examinations First Term All Subjects First Term 1st TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC 3 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS 0.12 + 3.45 = (a) 2.57 (b) 0.57 (c) 3.57 (d) 3.33 0.92 – 0.51 = (a) 0.41 (b) 0.14 (c) 11.43 (d) 1.35 What is the Square of 5? (a) 10 (b) 5 (c)

2nd Term Social Studies Pry 1 Exams

Edu Delight Tutors SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES PRIMARY 1 1. _____ is any thing that we eat to keep us alive. (a) rat (b) food (c) fool 2. We eat food _____day (a) every (b) some (c) table 3. There are ____ classes of food (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 10 4. We get food we

Primary 2 Yoruba BASIC 2 1st TERM EXAMINATION

  1st TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC 2 SUBJECT: ENGLISH 1. Did Adam go to the farm yesterday? (a) Yes, he does (b) Yes, he do (c) Yes, he did 2. Was Mary happy to see you yesterday? (a) Yes, she is (b) yes, she wasn’t (c) Yes, she was FILL IN THE GAPS 3. Ronke________

3rd Term Pry 1 Exams All subjects

Edu Delight Tutors  3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC 1 SUBJECT: Science and Technology 1. What is the color of Air? a. White b. Blue c. It is colorless 2. Can we see through air? a. Yes b. No c. May be 3. Can we live without air? a. Yes b. No c. May be 4.

Resources Distribution

Resources Distribution Edu Delight Tutors     Subject   :  Social Studies   Class  : Basic 5 / Primary 5  / Class 5   Term : Second   Term   Week  : Week 6   Topic  : Resources Distribution   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of Resources Development that was taught  in their previous

Organization and Cooperation

Subject : Social Studies Topic : Organization and Cooperation Class : Primary 5 Term :  Second Term Week : Week 2 Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of Leadership  that have been taught in their former lessons and classes Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

Primary 6 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term Scheme

Primary 6 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term Scheme   Primary 6 Social Studies First Term       Primary 6 Social Studies First Term  Week 1 External influences on Nigerian family   Primary 6 Social Studies First Term  Week 2 The influence of working parent on the Nigerian life    Primary 6

Third Term Examination Primary 4 Social Studies

THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 4                        SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:…………………………… The government use ______________ money to develop our country(a) salary (b) tax (c) hospital bill Tuwo shinkafa is usually eaten by the ___________________ __________________ serves as link between the government and the people(a)


Edu Delight Tutors (NURSERY & PRIMARY) Tapa Street Lagos Island THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Read the following questions and pick out the best answer from the given alternatives 1.) Culture is dynamic simply mean that culture is ____ (a) changing (b) complex (c) rigid (d) static 2.) Which
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