Tag: Primary 4

Constituted Authority

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 9 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Solutions To Problems  of Ethnicity in Nigeria  that have been taught in their previous classes Topic : Constituted authority   Reference

Solutions to problems of ethnicity

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 8 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Consequences of ethnicity that have been taught in their previous classes Topic : Solutions to problems of ethnicity Behavioural objectives :

Consequences of ethnicity

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 7 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of various topics that have been taught in their previous classes Topic : Consequences of ethnicity Behavioural objectives : At the end

Ethnicity : Meaning , Types, Problems and Suggested Solutions

Subject : Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 6 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of National Consciousness  (2) that has been taught in their previous classes Topic : Ethnicity : Meaning , Types and Problems Behavioural

National Consciousness (2)

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 5 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of various topics that have been taught in their previous classes Topic : National Consciousness (2) Behavioural objectives : At the end

Meaning and characteristics of national consciousness

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 4 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of civic values  that has been taught in their previous classes Topic : Meaning and characteristics of national consciousness Behavioural objectives :

Civic Values

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 3 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Responsibilities of every member in the family that has been taught in their previous classes Topic : Topic: Civic Values Behavioural

Meaning of National Values

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 2 Class : Basic 4 / Grade 4 / Primary 4   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of various topics that have been taught in their previous classes Topic : Topic: Responsibilities of every member of the family Behavioural

Civic Education Primary 4 Revision

Subject : Civic Education Class : Basic 4/ Grade 4 /Primary 4 Week : Week 1 Topic : Revision of Previous First Term Weekly Topics   Content  What are values What are national positive values Mention four positive values that are expected from every law abiding Nigerians What is culture Who are our elders Mention

Primary 4 Civic Education 1st, 2nd and 3rd Term Lesson Notes

Primary 4 First Term Scheme Of work Civic Education First Term Civic Education Primary 4 Week 1   Our values   week 2   Respect for other people’s culture   Week 3   Community leadership   Week 4 Communalism   Week 5   Types of Government   Week 6   Difference between traditional and constitutional