Tag: Examination

What is the freezing point of water

    Class: Basic 5     Subject: Basic Science and Technology    Topic: Tests     Instructions : Read the questions carefully and answer them.    1. A machine made of plank or metal support placed in a slant position to form sloping surface is called _____   A. Inclined plane   B. Lever   C.

Basic 5 Mathematics Third Term Test

Class: Basic 5 Subject: Mathematics Topic: Tests Instructions: Read and answer the following questions. Show all workings. Convert 40°C to Fahrenheit. Find the volume of an interlocking block which is 20 cm long, 9 cm wide, and 6 cm high. Convert 52800 cm³ to liters. What is the supplementary angle of 61°? The four cardinal

What is desalination?

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Tests Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly. 1. Buildings with two floors are called ________________. (a) Bungalows (b) Duplexes (c) Skyscrapers 2. What is desalination? 3. The first railway line in Nigeria was from ___________ to _____________. 4. Mention the two major forms of land

Sick animals should be separated from healthy ones

  Class: Basic 5   Subject: Agricultural Science   Topic: Tests   Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly.   1. Sick animals should be separated from healthy ones. ( True / False)   2. ___________ is the growing of crops and rearing of animals both for consumption and for sale.   3. Which

Simple Addition Nursery 1

Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Number readiness Test Writing of number in words 11– 12– 13– 14– 15– Simple Addition 1. 3 + 4 = 2. 5 + 6 = 3. 4 + 4 = 4. 3 + 2 = 5. 7 + 6 =

Mention two objects at home.

    Class: K-G2.   Subject: Science.   Questions.   1) What colour is the cap?(a) blue (b) yellow.   2) What colour is the circle? (a) red (b) blue.   Mention two objects at home.   3) ______________.   4) ______________.   5) Is it good for the school environment to be dirty? (a)

Fill in the correct form of adjectives from the following option.

  CLASS:: Primary 3   SUBJECT:: English– Language .   TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Fill in the correct form of adjectives from the following option. Questions… (1) That boy  speaks  _________ English that we do.  (a)better (b)good (c)well (d)best (2)He has  a _______ cat (white,, man, woman)  (3)Today is the______ day of the whole week (a)fine

The headquarters of ECOWAS is in

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: Social— Studies TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Fill in the correct answer:::: Questions. (1)The Economic community of West Africa state was founded on______. (a) May 29th 1975. (b)May 18th 1975. (c)May 28th 2975. (2)The headquarters of ECOWAS is in _____ (a)Oyo(b)Abuja (c)Lagos. (3)Africa is divided into______regions . (a)ten (b) eight (c)five .