English Grammar

Matching objects according to colours and shapes

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Third Term / 3rd Term   Week: Week 1   Topic: Sounds and letters – Production of basic sounds in given words correctly e.g. /a/ /b/ /d/ Speech Work – Matching objects according to colours and shapes Structure – Asking

English Studies Primary 1Third Term Scheme of Work

Basic One Third Term Scheme of Work    English Studies Year One Third Term Lesson Plan with Lesson notes    Week 1 Sounds and letters – Production of basic sounds in given words correctly e.g. /a/ /b/ /d/ Speech Work – Matching objects according to colours and shapes Structure – Asking about the number of

Review of Difficult words during second Term Primary 1

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 11   SPEECH WORK – Review of difficult words during the term. VOCABULARY – New words READING: Fluency reading: answering oral and written question correctly. STRUCTURE: revision of adjectives WRITING – writing

Uses of Prepositions

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 10   Topic: Structure – Uses of Preposition SPEECH WORK – Talking About Length Concepts of Prints – Eye movement from the left to right and from top to bottom  VOCABULARY –

Talking About Length

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 9   Topic: SPEECH WORK – Talking About Length Concepts of Prints – Punctuation marks – full stop VOCABULARY – New words READING: Answering oral and written questions   WRITING – writing

Placing Person, and Objects in relationship to other objects

Subject :  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 8   Topic: Placing Person, and Objects in relationship to other objects SPEECH WORK – Pronunciation practice: Q –T words Concept of print: identification of upper and lower case of letters.

Introduction of Person (self)

Subject  :  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 7   Topic: Blending of letters to produce sounds Introduction of Person (self)   Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of   Names of all upper and lower cases letters of

Names of all upper and lower cases letters of the alphabet

Subject  :  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 6   Topic: Names of the letters of the upper and lower cases of the alphabets   Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of   Explain Synonyms with examples   that

Explain Synonyms with examples

Subject  :  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 5   Topic: Explain Synonyms   Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of     Pronunciation practice of three letter words   that was taught in their previous lesson.    

Pronunciation practice of three letter words

Subject  :  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Second   Term / 2nd Term   Week: Week 4   Topic: Pronunciation practice   Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of     Representation of Objects with number that was taught in their previous lesson.     Behavioural  Objectives