Revision Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 3 Second Term

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes

Week 1: Welcome Test

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: 1
Age: 7 – 9 years
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recall key lessons from the first term.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of basic Christian teachings.
  3. Answer questions based on previous topics.
  4. Prepare for new lessons in the second term.

Keywords: Recall, Test, Review, Christian Teachings

Set Induction:

The teacher will ask pupils to share what they remember from the last term’s lessons on Jesus and Christian values.

Entry Behavior:

Pupils have learned about Jesus’ teachings and Christian virtues in the previous term.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Bible
  2. Charts with key Bible verses
  3. Flashcards with review questions

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

The teacher will review the previous term’s topics, such as:

  • The birth and childhood of Jesus
  • Jesus’ miracles
  • Loving one another

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Critical Thinking
  2. Listening Skills
  3. Communication Skills

Learning Materials:

  • The Bible (Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 5:16)
  • Textbooks
  • Christian storybooks

Reference Books:

Lagos State Scheme of Work, Christian Religious Studies textbooks for Primary 3

Instructional Materials:

  1. Bible stories
  2. Flashcards with past questions
  3. Simple test papers


Welcome Test Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Jesus was born in a town called _______.
    a) Bethlehem
    b) Nazareth
    c) Jerusalem
    d) Egypt
  2. Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding in _______.
    a) Galilee
    b) Cana
    c) Bethlehem
    d) Jericho
  3. The Bible is divided into _______ parts.
    a) One
    b) Two
    c) Three
    d) Four
  4. Jesus taught us to love our _______.
    a) Neighbors
    b) Enemies
    c) Friends
    d) Family
  5. The mother of Jesus was _______.
    a) Esther
    b) Ruth
    c) Mary
    d) Hannah
  6. Jesus healed the blind man named _______.
    a) Zacchaeus
    b) Bartimaeus
    c) Peter
    d) Lazarus
  7. The Holy Book of Christians is called the _______.
    a) Quran
    b) Bible
    c) Torah
    d) Scroll
  8. Jesus taught His disciples how to _______.
    a) Dance
    b) Fight
    c) Pray
    d) Build houses
  9. The Ten Commandments were given to _______.
    a) Abraham
    b) Moses
    c) David
    d) Peter
  10. Christians should _______ one another.
    a) Hate
    b) Love
    c) Ignore
    d) Hurt
  11. The father of Jesus on earth was _______.
    a) Joseph
    b) David
    c) Paul
    d) John
  12. Jesus is the _______ of the world.
    a) Light
    b) King
    c) Shepherd
    d) Bread
  13. Jesus died on the _______ for our sins.
    a) Cross
    b) Mountain
    c) Sea
    d) Road
  14. Jesus rose from the dead on the _______ day.
    a) First
    b) Second
    c) Third
    d) Fourth
  15. We should always _______ to God.
    a) Talk
    b) Pray
    c) Sing
    d) Shout

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Class Discussion

  1. Who is Jesus?
    • Jesus is the Son of God and our Saviour.
  2. Where was Jesus born?
    • Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
  3. What is the Holy Book of Christians?
    • The Holy Book of Christians is the Bible.
  4. Who gave the Ten Commandments?
    • God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses.
  5. What did Jesus teach about loving others?
    • Jesus taught us to love one another, including our enemies.
  6. How many parts is the Bible divided into?
    • The Bible has two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  7. Who was Jesus’ earthly father?
    • Jesus’ earthly father was Joseph.
  8. What did Jesus do at the wedding in Cana?
    • Jesus turned water into wine.
  9. Why do Christians pray?
    • Christians pray to talk to God and seek His help.
  10. What is the name of the prayer Jesus taught His disciples?
  • The Lord’s Prayer.
  1. What should we do to others?
  • We should love and forgive others.
  1. Who did Jesus heal from blindness?
  • Jesus healed Bartimaeus, the blind man.
  1. What should Christians always do before eating?
  • Christians should pray and thank God.
  1. Why did Jesus die on the cross?
  • Jesus died to save us from our sins.
  1. What should we do every day as Christians?
  • Pray, read the Bible, and be kind to others.

Presentation Steps:

  1. Teacher’s Activity:
    • Revises last term’s lessons using flashcards and questions.
    • Explains the purpose of the welcome test.
    • Guides students in answering the test questions.
  2. Learners’ Activity:
    • Recall past lessons.
    • Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
    • Answer the test questions.

Assessment (Short-Answer Questions):

  1. Who is the Son of God?
  2. Where was Jesus born?
  3. What is the Holy Book of Christians?
  4. How many parts is the Bible divided into?
  5. Who gave the Ten Commandments?
  6. What should we do before eating?
  7. Why do Christians pray?
  8. What did Jesus do at the wedding in Cana?
  9. Who was Jesus’ earthly father?
  10. What should Christians do every day?


The teacher will mark the test, give feedback, and prepare the pupils for the second-term topics.


Welcome Test – CRS Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes