Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: Bible Knowledge

 Class: Primary 2


Answer all the questions


  1. ………………………… a way of talking to God.


  1. …………………………… a spirit man.


  1. Jesus talked to His father in ……………………………………………………


  1. Jesus prayed before raising………………………………………………………


  1. Jesus taught His …………………………… to pray.


  1. When we pray, we must have ……………………………….in God.


  1. ………………………………….hears us when we pray.


  1. After the Lord’s Prayer, we say ……………………………………………………..


  1. Jesus fed five thousand people with……………………loaves of bread and …………. Fish.


  1. ……………………………is a friend of Lazarus.


  1. Lazarus died for …………………..days before Jesus raised him up from dead.


  1. Jesus always prayed for ……………………….. to do the will of God’s power.


  1. Confession prayer is the prayer we pray to confess our ………………………….


  1. Thanksgiving prayer is the prayer we pray to give …………………………………..


  1. List five things we pray for:


……………………………………………………….      …………………………………………………


……………………………………………………….       ………………………………………………..




Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1





Bible Knowledge – Primary 2

  1. Prayer is a way of talking to God.
  2. A spirit man is a person filled with the Holy Spirit.
  3. Jesus talked to His father in prayer.
  4. Jesus prayed before raising Lazarus.
  5. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray.
  6. When we pray, we must have faith in God.
  7. God hears us when we pray.
  8. After the Lord’s Prayer, we say Amen.
  9. Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish.
  10. Mary is a friend of Lazarus.
  11. Lazarus died for four days before Jesus raised him up from the dead.
  12. Jesus always prayed for strength to do the will of God’s power.
  13. Confession prayer is the prayer we pray to confess our sins.
  14. Thanksgiving prayer is the prayer we pray to give thanks.
  15. List five things we pray for:
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Health
  • Wisdom
  • Peace


Bible Knowledge – Primary 2 – Fill in the Blanks

  1. Prayer is a way of talking to God. a) Reading
    b) Singing
    c) Dancing
    d) Talking
  2. A spirit man is a person filled with the Holy Spirit. a) Happy
    b) Sad
    c) Angry
    d) Filled
  3. Jesus talked to His father in prayer. a) Song
    b) Dance
    c) Prayer
    d) Feast
  4. Jesus prayed before raising Lazarus. a) Mary
    b) John
    c) Lazarus
    d) Peter
  5. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. a) Teachers
    b) Friends
    c) Disciples
    d) Parents
  6. When we pray, we must have faith in God. a) Fear
    b) Doubt
    c) Faith
    d) Anger
  7. God hears us when we pray. a) Friends
    b) Teachers
    c) God
    d) Parents
  8. After the Lord’s Prayer, we say Amen. a) Hello
    b) Amen
    c) Goodbye
    d) Sorry
  9. Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish. a) Three
    b) Four
    c) Five
    d) Six
  10. Mary is a friend of Lazarus. a) Martha
    b) Peter
    c) John
    d) David
  11. Lazarus died for four days before Jesus raised him up from the dead. a) Two
    b) Three
    c) Four
    d) Five
  12. Jesus always prayed for strength to do the will of God’s power. a) Wealth
    b) Strength
    c) Fame
    d) Beauty
  13. Confession prayer is the prayer we pray to confess our sins. a) Gifts
    b) Sins
    c) Achievements
    d) Friends
  14. Thanksgiving prayer is the prayer we pray to give thanks. a) Apologies
    b) Thanks
    c) Complaints
    d) Requests
  15. List five things we pray for: a) Toys, Games
    b) Health, Wisdom
    c) Sadness, Anger
    d) Fear, Doubt


  1. Standing 🙏
    • Example: We stand tall and fold our hands to pray, like when we say grace before meals.
  2. Kneeling 🛐
    • Example: Kneeling is when we bend our knees, like in church when we ask God for help.
  3. Prostrating 🙇‍♂️
    • Example: We bow down to the ground, showing humility and respect, just like during special prayers.
  4. Sitting 🪑
    • Example: Sometimes, we sit comfortably and pray, like during church service or bedtime prayers.
  5. Lying Down 🛌
    • Example: We can also pray while lying down, especially when we’re resting and talking to God before sleep.

Remember, each position is a way to talk to God, and you can choose the one that feels most comfortable for you. 🌟

  1. We fold our hands and stand tall in __________. a) Worship
    b) Sleeping
    c) Playing
    d) Eating
  2. Kneeling is when we bend our __________ during prayers. a) Arms
    b) Legs
    c) Neck
    d) Back
  3. Prostrating is a prayer position where we bow down to the __________. a) Sky
    b) Ground
    c) Sun
    d) Moon
  4. Sitting comfortably and praying is done during __________. a) Exercise
    b) School
    c) Church service
    d) Shopping
  5. We can also pray while __________. a) Running
    b) Lying down
    c) Jumping
    d) Climbing
  6. When we say grace before meals, we usually stand and __________ our hands. a) Clap
    b) Fold
    c) Shake
    d) Wave
  7. During special prayers, we show humility and respect by __________. a) Standing
    b) Kneeling
    c) Jumping
    d) Dancing
  8. __________ is a position where we bend our knees to talk to God. a) Sitting
    b) Prostrating
    c) Kneeling
    d) Lying down
  9. We can choose a prayer position that feels most __________ to us. a) Uncomfortable
    b) Fun
    c) Exciting
    d) Comfortable
  10. While in church, we often kneel to ask God for __________. a) Toys
    b) Help
    c) Candy
    d) Presents
  11. When we want to have a conversation with God before sleep, we may pray while __________. a) Sitting
    b) Lying down
    c) Running
    d) Jumping
  12. The prayer position where we bow down to the ground is called __________. a) Standing
    b) Prostrating
    c) Sitting
    d) Lying down
  13. Kneeling is a way of showing __________ during prayer. a) Happiness
    b) Humility
    c) Anger
    d) Laziness
  14. We sit comfortably and pray during __________. a) Playtime
    b) Church service
    c) TV time
    d) Mealtime
  15. Lying down is a suitable position for prayer, especially when __________. a) Playing
    b) Reading
    c) Resting
    d) Singing

Lesson Plan Presentation

  • Subject: Christian Religious Studies
  • Class: Primary 2
  • Term: Second Term
  • Week: 1
  • Topic: Prayer Positions
  • Sub-topic: Standing, Kneeling, Prostrating, Sitting, Lying Down, etc.
  • Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Quick review: Ask students about the previous topic, emphasizing any key points learned.

Key Words:

  • Prayer Positions, Standing, Kneeling, Prostrating, Sitting, Lying Down.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to demonstrate and explain different prayer positions.
  • Students should understand the significance of choosing a prayer position.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Motor skills (demonstrating prayer positions)
  • Verbal communication (explaining the significance of prayer positions)

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures or illustrations of people in various prayer positions.
  • Classroom space for practical demonstrations.


  1. Presentation (Step 1):
    • Quick revision of the previous topic (if any).
    • Recap: What do we know about prayer?
  2. Introduction (Step 2):
    • Introduce the new topic: Prayer Positions.
    • Explain that prayer is a way of talking to God, and people use different positions to pray.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (Step 3):
    • Demonstration: Show examples of each prayer position.
    • Explanation: Share why each position is used.
    • Encourage Participation: Ask students to try each position.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Observation: Watch and try to copy the teacher’s demonstration.
    • Discussion: Share thoughts on which position feels most comfortable.
  5. Assessment:
    • Observation: Evaluate how well students participate in the practical demonstration.
    • Questions: Ask simple questions about prayer positions.


  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Name three prayer positions.
  3. How do we show respect during prayer?
  4. Why do people use different prayer positions?
  5. Can you demonstrate the standing prayer position?
  6. Mention a situation where we might use the lying down position for prayer.
  7. What is the term for bending our knees during prayer?
  8. Explain the meaning of prostrating during prayer.
  9. When might we choose to sit while praying?
  10. Why is it important to be comfortable during prayer?


  • Teacher’s Activity: Go around the class to assess and correct any difficulties students may have with the prayer positions.
  • Feedback: Provide positive reinforcement and encourage questions.
  • Homework: Ask students to practice different prayer positions at home and share their experiences in the next class.

This lesson aims to make the concept of prayer positions engaging and practical for Primary 2 students.

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