Second Term Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: 7
Topic: Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 3
Duration: 45 minutes

Answer the following questions :

  1. When Jesus is called the Bread of Life, it means he gives us _________ nourishment.
    • a) physical
    • b) spiritual
    • c) emotional
    • d) mental
  2. Jesus referred to himself as the Bread of Life to show that he satisfies our _________ hunger.
    • a) physical
    • b) spiritual
    • c) emotional
    • d) mental
  3. The spiritual meaning of Bread of Life represents _________.
    • a) food
    • b) Jesus
    • c) water
    • d) friends
  4. Believing in Jesus and following his teachings brings us spiritual _________.
    • a) sadness
    • b) fulfillment
    • c) anger
    • d) fear
  5. During the Last Supper, Jesus compared himself to _________.
    • a) water
    • b) bread
    • c) fish
    • d) fruit
  6. Food is important because it gives us energy and helps our bodies _________.
    • a) shrink
    • b) disappear
    • c) grow
    • d) change
  7. Sharing meals with family and friends strengthens our _________.
    • a) loneliness
    • b) anger
    • c) relationships
    • d) sadness
  8. Jesus as the Bread of Life offers forgiveness, love, and eternal life through _________.
    • a) anger
    • b) faith
    • c) fear
    • d) sadness
  9. Believing in Jesus satisfies our spiritual hunger and brings us _________.
    • a) peace
    • b) sadness
    • c) anger
    • d) fear
  10. Understanding Jesus as the Bread of Life reminds us of his love, _________, and the eternal life he offers.
    • a) hope
    • b) anger
    • c) fear
    • d) sadness
  11. When Jesus referred to himself as the Bread of Life, he meant that believing in him brings us spiritual _________.
    • a) emptiness
    • b) fulfillment
    • c) loneliness
    • d) sadness
  12. Jesus compared himself to bread during the Last _________.
    • a) Breakfast
    • b) Dinner
    • c) Supper
    • d) Lunch
  13. The benefits of spiritual nourishment from Jesus include peace, joy, hope, and eternal life with _________.
    • a) friends
    • b) family
    • c) God
    • d) teachers
  14. Believing in Jesus and following his teachings helps us grow spiritually and strengthens our _________ with God.
    • a) sadness
    • b) relationships
    • c) anger
    • d) fear
  15. Understanding Jesus as the Bread of Life reminds us of his love, sacrifice, and the eternal life he offers to all who _________ in him.
    • a) believe
    • b) doubt
    • c) fear
    • d) anger
  16. Psalm 23 talks about how God takes care of us like a _________ cares for his sheep.
    • a) shepherd
    • b) farmer
    • c) doctor
    • d) teacher
  17. Jesus showed love, kindness, and _________ to people.
    • a) anger
    • b) sadness
    • c) protection
    • d) fear
  18. A shepherd guides and _________ the sheep.
    • a) feeds
    • b) leads
    • c) scares
    • d) hurts
  19. Jesus helps us make _________ choices.
    • a) bad
    • b) good
    • c) sad
    • d) angry
  20. The Good Shepherd in Psalm 23 refers to _________.
    • a) Jesus
    • b) a friend
    • c) a king
    • d) a teacher
  21. Knowing Jesus as the Good Shepherd helps us feel _________.
    • a) scared
    • b) loved
    • c) angry
    • d) sad
  22. Psalm 23 talks about how God leads us to lie down in _________ pastures.
    • a) green
    • b) brown
    • c) red
    • d) blue
  23. Jesus guides us to live a _________ life.
    • a) sad
    • b) bad
    • c) happy
    • d) angry
  24. A Good Shepherd is loving, kind, protective, and _________.
    • a) scary
    • b) angry
    • c) mean
    • d) brave
  25. Jesus is like a Good Shepherd who watches over and cares for _________.
    • a) us
    • b) animals
    • c) plants
    • d) toys
  26. We can thank Jesus by loving others, being kind, and following his _________.
    • a) teachings
    • b) rules
    • c) anger
    • d) sadness
  27. Psalm 23 talks about how God leads us beside quiet _________.
    • a) forests
    • b) mountains
    • c) waters
    • d) deserts
  28. Jesus helps us when we’re _________.
    • a) happy
    • b) sad
    • c) angry
    • d) scared
  29. Why is it important to know Jesus as the Good Shepherd? Because it helps us feel safe, loved, and _________ for.
    • a) cared
    • b) protected
    • c) angry
    • d) sad
  30. How did Jesus show he was a Good Shepherd? He showed love, kindness, and _________ to people.
    • a) protection
    • b) sadness
    • c) anger
    • d) fear


Theory Questions:

  1. What does it mean when Jesus is called the Bread of Life?
  2. How does believing in Jesus satisfy our spiritual hunger?
  3. Can you recite the Bible verse John 6:35?
  4. Why is spiritual nourishment from Jesus important?
  5. How can we apply the concept of Jesus as the Bread of Life in our lives?
  6. What are the benefits of believing in Jesus?
  7. How does Jesus satisfy our spiritual hunger?
  8. Why did Jesus refer to himself as the Bread of Life?
  9. What does spiritual nourishment from Jesus offer?
  10. Why is it important to understand Jesus as the Bread of Life?
  11. What is Psalm 23 about?
  12. Who is the Good Shepherd in Psalm 23?
  13. How did Jesus demonstrate the qualities of a Good Shepherd?
  14. Why is a shepherd important?
  15. Can you recite Psalm 23?
  16. What qualities did Jesus show as a Good Shepherd?
  17. Why do shepherds guide and protect sheep?
  18. What can we learn from Psalm 23 about God’s care?
  19. How can we show love and kindness like Jesus did?
  20. Why is it important to know Jesus as the Good Shepherd?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ participation and understanding of the topic.
  • Students are encouraged to remember that Jesus satisfies our spiritual hunger and to believe in him for eternal life.
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