Category: Nursery 2

Nursery 2 First Term Examinations Bible Knowledge

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE   NAME:…   1.Who is our creator __________ (a) God (b) satan (c) teacher 2.Who killed Abel (a) Cain (b) God (c) Joseph 3.______________ builds an ark (a) Noah (b) Moses (c) John 4. Jesus had _____________ disciples (a) 19 (b) 12 (c) 5 5.

Health Habits Third Term Revision Nursery 1

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Revision  Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 10 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of     Reptiles Control   that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson,

Community Hygiene : Cleanliness 

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Reptiles Control  Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 9 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of     Reptiles Control   that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the

Reptiles Control

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Reptiles Control  Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 8 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of   Reptiles Among Us   that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the

Reptiles Among Us

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Reptiles Term : Third Term / 3rd Term Week: Week 7 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of   Pests Controls   that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the

Pests Controls

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Pests Control Term : Third Term / 1st Term Week: Week 5 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of   Pests   that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the


Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Pests Term : Third Term / 1st Term Week: Week 4 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of   Materials That Can Be Used For Sanitation   that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the

Materials That Can Be Used For Sanitation

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Materials That Can Be Used For Sanitation Term : Third Term / 1st Term Week: Week 3 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of   Sanitation (1)   that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At
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