Civic engagement in the political, social and economic process Civic Education Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Class: Primary 2

Subject: Civic Education

Topic: Civic Engagement and Good Political Leaders

Sub-topic: Understanding Civic Engagement and its Importance

Duration: 40 minutes

Instructional Materials: Pictures of leaders, Whiteboard and markers, Flashcards, Storybook, Timer

Entry Behaviour: Students should know that leaders help make decisions in their class.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define civic engagement as helping and working together in their community.
  2. Explain why good leaders are important in their society.
  3. Identify one way they can be good citizens.

Previous Lesson: In our last class, we talked about our school rules and how we can follow them.


Civic Engagement in Nigeria: What It Means 🇳🇬

1. Voting

  • Voting is like choosing your favorite ice cream flavor 🍦.
  • In Nigeria, adults vote to choose leaders, like picking the best ice cream flavor.

2. Helping Your Community 🤝

  • When you clean up your playground, you are helping your community, just like when you tidy up your toys 🧹.
  • People in Nigeria also work together to make their places better.

3. Listening to Others 👂

  • Listening is when you pay attention to what your friends say during playtime.
  • In Nigeria, people listen to each other’s ideas to make good decisions.

4. Following Rules 🚦

  • Following rules at school is like following traffic rules on the road 🚗.
  • In Nigeria, people follow rules to keep everyone safe and happy.

5. Being Kind ❤️

  • Sharing your toys with friends is being kind, just like helping others in Nigeria is kind.
  • People in Nigeria care for each other to make their country better.

6. Learning About Nigeria 📚

  • Learning about your favorite storybook characters is fun, just like knowing about Nigeria is exciting.
  • Knowing about your country helps you be a good citizen.

7. Talking About Nigeria 🗣️

  • When you tell your family what you did in school, you are talking about your day.
  • In Nigeria, people talk about their country to make it better.

So, civic engagement in Nigeria is like being a good friend, helping others, and working together to make Nigeria a happy place for everyone! 🇳🇬👫🤝


Evaluation :

  1. Civic engagement means being involved in __________. a) School activities b) Playing games c) Community and country matters d) Watching TV
  2. In Nigeria, adults vote to choose their __________. a) Favorite movie b) Favorite food c) Leaders and government d) Best friends
  3. Helping your __________ is a way of civic engagement. a) Teacher b) Friends c) Community d) Pets
  4. When you listen to others, you are practicing good __________. a) Playing b) Manners c) Sleeping d) Singing
  5. Following rules in Nigeria is important to keep everyone __________. a) Hungry b) Angry c) Safe and happy d) Bored
  6. Being kind means showing __________ to others. a) Love and care b) Anger and fear c) Sadness and jokes d) Games and toys
  7. Learning about Nigeria helps you become a better __________. a) Teacher b) Student c) Citizen d) Painter
  8. Talking about Nigeria is like sharing stories about your __________. a) Hobbies b) Favorite foods c) Country and people d) Dreams
  9. Civic engagement means people working together for a __________ place. a) Messy b) Happy c) Silent d) Cold
  10. People in Nigeria care about their __________. a) Pets b) Family c) Country and community d) Favorite TV shows
  11. Civic engagement can be like __________ with friends. a) Reading b) Fighting c) Playing games d) Sleeping
  12. Voting is like picking your __________ flavor of ice cream. a) Best b) Scariest c) Smallest d) Saddest
  13. Civic engagement means being a good __________ to others. a) Friend b) Detective c) Singer d) Dancer
  14. Listening to others helps you __________ their ideas. a) Ignore b) Understand c) Forget d) Hide
  15. Following rules is important in the __________ to keep everyone safe. a) Park b) Classroom c) Jungle d) Country

Theory Questions:

  1. What does civic engagement mean, and why is it important in Nigeria?
  2. How do people in Nigeria practice civic engagement in their communities?
  3. Why is voting an important part of civic engagement in politics?
  4. Give an example of how being kind and helping others can show civic engagement.
  5. Why should citizens in Nigeria learn about their country and talk about it with others?

Importance of having good political leaders 

  1. Peace and Stability: Good leaders help keep the country peaceful and stable.
  2. Economic Growth: They make the economy strong, so people have jobs and money.
  3. Justice and Fairness: They ensure that laws are fair for everyone.
  4. Education: Good leaders focus on good schools, so kids can learn and have a bright future.
  5. Healthcare: They make sure everyone can get the right medical care.
  6. Safety: Good leaders keep people safe from harm and crime.
  7. Equality: They treat everyone the same, no matter where they come from.
  8. Happiness: Good leaders work to make people in the society happy and content.
  1. Introduction to Civic Engagement (5 minutes)
    • Explain that civic engagement is like teamwork in our community.
    • Show pictures of leaders, like teachers, to introduce the idea.
  2. What is Civic Engagement? (5 minutes)
    • Define civic engagement as helping and working together to make our community better.
    • Use simple words like “helping” and “community.”
  3. Why Leaders Are Important (10 minutes)
    • Discuss why leaders are important in our society.
    • Talk about how leaders help make decisions and keep things in order.
    • Use flashcards to show examples of leaders, like parents and doctors.
  4. Storytime (5 minutes)
    • Read a short storybook about a child who helped in the community.
    • Ask students how they can help like the child in the story.
  5. How Can We Be Good Citizens? (5 minutes)
    • Ask students what they can do to be good citizens in their class.
    • Encourage simple answers like “sharing” and “listening.”

Step-by-Step Presentation:

Step 1: Start with a simple question about what they know about leaders.

Step 2: Explain civic engagement as helping and working together in their community.

Step 3: Discuss why leaders are important and show examples.

Step 4: Engage students with a storybook.

Step 5: Encourage students to think about how they can be good citizens.

Evaluation: (5 minutes)

  • Ask students to share one way they can help in their class.
  • Use pictures to help them understand the importance of leaders.

Conclusion: (5 minutes)

  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Remind students to be good citizens by helping and working together.
  • Explain that even little kids can be good leaders in their own way.

Homework: Assign students to draw a picture of a leader they know and write a sentence about why that leader is important.

Assessment: The students’ ability to define civic engagement, explain the importance of leaders, and suggest ways to be good citizens will be assessed through class participation and homework completion

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