Courtesy, Politeness, and Etiquette Civic Education Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Civic Education

Grade: 2

Topic: Courtesy, Politeness, and Etiquette

Duration: 30 minutes


  • To introduce students to the concepts of courtesy, politeness, and etiquette.
  • To explain how to treat others with respect and good manners in different situations.
  • To encourage students to practice good manners in daily life.


  • Visual aids (pictures and posters)
  • Storybooks with examples of polite behavior
  • Props like a door to demonstrate holding it open
  • Flashcards with key phrases (e.g., “Please,” “Thank You,” “Excuse Me”)

Content :

Courtesy, Politeness, and Etiquette:

  • Meaning: These are like magic words that make people feel happy and respected. When we are courteous and polite, we show good manners.
  • Treating Others with Courtesy and Proper Behavior:
    • This means being nice to people when we are outside. For example, when we’re on the street, in buses, trains, or waiting in lines.


  1. Saying “Please” and “Thank You”:
    • When we ask for something, like a seat on the bus, we say “Please.”
    • When someone helps us, like giving up their seat, we say “Thank You.”
  2. Waiting Our Turn:
    • When we’re in a line, we wait for our turn. We don’t push or cut in front of others.
  3. Being Quiet in Public Places:
    • When we’re on a bus or train, we use our “inside voice.” We don’t shout or make loud noises.
  4. Holding the Door for Others:
    • When we see someone coming behind us, we hold the door open for them. It’s a kind thing to do.
  5. Listening to Others:
    • When someone is talking, we listen. We don’t interrupt or talk over them.
  6. Not Littering:
    • We don’t throw trash on the street or in public places. We put it in a trash can.

So, being courteous and polite means treating others with respect, being patient, and using good manners in public. It’s like being a superhero of kindness! 😊🚍🚆

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Begin with a simple, relatable scenario: “Have you ever been on a crowded bus or waited in a line for something? How did you feel? Today, we’re going to learn about something important that makes these situations better.”

Definition of Terms (10 minutes):

  • Define “courtesy,” “politeness,” and “etiquette” in simple language.
  • Use visual aids and examples: “Courtesy is like using magic words to be nice, like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You.'”

Examples and Role-Play (10 minutes):

  • Share real-life examples of courtesy and politeness.
  • Conduct role-playing exercises to demonstrate holding the door open or saying “Excuse Me.”
  • Read a storybook with examples of polite behavior and ask students what they noticed.

Importance (5 minutes):

  • Explain why being courteous and polite is important: “It helps people feel respected, happy, and makes our world a better place.”

Practical Tips (5 minutes):

  • Provide simple tips: “Use ‘Please’ when asking for things, and ‘Thank You’ when someone helps you.”
  • Discuss waiting in lines and using an “inside voice” on buses or in quiet places.

Class Activity (10 minutes):

  • Divide the class into small groups.
  • Give each group a scenario (e.g., waiting in line, sharing a snack).
  • Have them act out the scenario with polite behavior and share their experiences.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Recap the key points about courtesy, politeness, and etiquette.
  • Encourage students to use good manners in their daily lives.


  • Ask students to share a polite action they did at home with their parents or guardians.


  • Observe students during role-play activities and their participation in the class activity.


  1. Courtesy, politeness, and etiquette are like magic words that show good __________. a) clothes b) manners c) books d) food
  2. When we ask for something nicely, we say “__________.” a) Hello b) Please c) Thank You d) Goodbye
  3. Treating others with courtesy means being nice when we are __________. a) at home b) outside c) in school d) on the moon
  4. When someone helps us, we say “__________.” a) Hello b) Goodbye c) Thank You d) Please
  5. When we’re in a line, we wait for our __________. a) toys b) turn c) food d) school
  6. We use our “inside voice” when we are on a __________. a) playground b) bus c) library d) zoo
  7. Holding the door open for someone is a __________ thing to do. a) loud b) kind c) colorful d) funny
  8. When someone is talking, we __________ and listen. a) interrupt b) shout c) laugh d) don’t interrupt
  9. We don’t throw __________ on the street or in public places. a) toys b) trash c) candy d) flowers
  10. “Courtesy” means being __________ to others. a) rude b) nice c) noisy d) big
  11. When we ask for something, we say “__________.” a) Goodbye b) Sorry c) Please d) Candy
  12. Being courteous and polite means treating others with __________. a) respect b) toys c) noise d) games
  13. Using good manners in public is like being a superhero of __________! a) kindness b) noise c) games d) candy
  14. We hold the door open for someone __________ they are coming behind us. a) because b) if c) when d) so
  15. When we see someone coming behind us, we hold the door open for __________. a) us b) them c) me d) you

This lesson plan aims to help Grade 2 students understand and practice courtesy, politeness, and etiquette in various situations. It emphasizes the importance of being respectful and using good manners in daily life.

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