Primary 2 Third Term Security Education Mid Term Test

Subject : Security Education

Class : Primary 2

Term : Third Term

Type : Lesson Notes

Week : Week 7

Security Education Third Term Mid Term Test Primary 2

Answer the following questions

  1. The Nigerian Prison Service is responsible for the _______ and rehabilitation of convicted criminals in Nigeria. a) conviction b) custody c) confession d) conviction and custody
  2. The Nigerian Prison Service ensures that inmates are treated _______ and given access to basic amenities such as food, water, and healthcare. a) humanely b) poorly c) ruthlessly d) indifferently
  3. The Nigerian Prison Service provides _______ and educational training to inmates to help them acquire skills that can be useful in their lives after release. a) vocational b) recreational c) social d) cultural
  4. The Nigerian Prison Service works to prevent inmates from escaping by implementing appropriate security measures such as perimeter fencing, CCTV cameras, and _______. a) checkpoints b) unlocked doors c) secret tunnels d) open windows
  5. The Nigerian Prison Service is responsible for conducting investigations and providing intelligence on prison-related matters to relevant _______. a) authorities b) celebrities c) animals d) politicians
  6. The Nigerian Prison Service works closely with other law enforcement agencies to ensure the smooth administration of justice in _______. a) Nigeria b) Ghana c) Egypt d) Cameroon
  7. The Nigerian Prison Service is also responsible for ensuring that inmates receive _______ medical care when they are sick. a) adequate b) inadequate c) expensive d) unnecessary
  8. The Nigerian Prison Service provides inmates with legal _______ and access to legal representation. a) advice b) money c) weapons d) support
  9. The Nigerian Prison Service is responsible for providing inmates with _______ facilities for worship. a) religious b) sports c) entertainment d) educational
  10. The Nigerian Prison Service is also responsible for providing inmates with nutritious _______ to maintain their health. a) food b) weapons c) clothes d) gadgets
  11. The Nigerian Prison Service provides inmates with opportunities to participate in _______ and recreational activities to promote their physical and mental well-being. a) educational b) vocational c) sports d) social
  12. The Nigerian Prison Service is responsible for providing inmates with a safe and secure environment, free from _______ and abuse. a) violence b) kindness c) generosity d) compassion
  13. The Nigerian Prison Service ensures that inmates are treated fairly and without _______ regardless of their background or crime committed. a) discrimination b) favoritism c) nepotism d) justice
  14. The Nigerian Prison Service is responsible for implementing _______ programs to help inmates transition back into society after their release. a) rehabilitation b) punishment c) retaliation d) revenge
  15. The Nigerian Prison Service works to promote _______ within the prison system and to prevent corruption among staff. a) transparency b) secrecy c) deceit d) corruption
  16. The Nigerian Prison Service provides inmates with access to _______ to help them maintain their mental health and well-being. a) counseling b) weapons c) drugs d) alcohol
  17. The Nigerian Prison Service is responsible for providing inmates with access to legal _______ to help them understand their rights and responsibilities. a) information b) weapons c) money d) ammunition
  18. The Nigerian Prison Service works to promote _______ among inmates and to prevent violence and conflict within the prison system. a) peace b) war c) aggression d) hatred
  19. The Nigerian Prison Service ensures that inmates are treated with respect and _______ by staff and other inmates. a) dignity b) disrespect c) rudeness d) neglect
  20. The Nigerian Prison Service is responsible for providing inmates with opportunities to _______ their lives and to make positive changes. a) transform b) worsen c) stagnate d) ignore
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