Duties of the Nigerian Armed forces : Army, Navy and Airforce

Subject : Security Education

Class : Primary 2

Term : Third Term

Type : Lesson Notes

Week : Week 5

Topic : Duties of the Nigerian Armed forces : Army, Navy and Air force

Previous Lesson


Behavioural Objectives :

  • To help pupils understand the duties of the Nigerian Armed Forces in ensuring the safety and security of our nation.

Embedded Core Skills

  1. Communication and Collaboration
  2. Leadership and Personal Development
  3. Citizenship


Learning Resource

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of the Nigerian Armed Forces in action
  • Fill-in-the-blank worksheets on the topic
  • Handouts on the topic


Duties of the Nigerian Armed forces : Army, Navy and Air force

Here are the duties of the Nigerian Armed Forces

  1. Defend the territorial integrity of Nigeria against external aggression.
  2. Protect the lives and property of Nigerian citizens from internal threats and security challenges.
  3. Maintain law and order, and enforce the rule of law when necessary.
  4. Provide humanitarian aid and support during times of crisis or natural disasters.
  5. Participate in international peacekeeping missions to promote regional and global security.
  6. Conduct military training and education to develop the skills and knowledge of its personnel.
  7. Develop and maintain military infrastructure and equipment to support its operations.
  8. Foster good relations with the civilian population to build trust and cooperation.

Remember, it is important to respect and appreciate the efforts of our Nigerian Armed Forces in ensuring the safety and security of our nation


  1. The Nigerian Armed Forces defend the ____________ of Nigeria against external aggression. a) cultural heritage b) territorial integrity c) economic prosperity
  2. The Nigerian Armed Forces protect the lives and property of Nigerian ____________ from internal threats and security challenges. a) politicians b) citizens c) tourists
  3. The Nigerian Armed Forces maintain law and order and enforce the ____________ when necessary. a) principles of democracy b) rule of law c) military dictatorship
  4. The Nigerian Armed Forces provide ____________ aid and support during times of crisis or natural disasters. a) medical b) humanitarian c) educational
  5. The Nigerian Armed Forces participate in ____________ missions to promote regional and global security. a) espionage b) combat c) peacekeeping
  6. The Nigerian Armed Forces conduct military ____________ and education to develop the skills and knowledge of its personnel. a) training b) punishment c) entertainment
  7. The Nigerian Armed Forces develop and maintain military infrastructure and equipment to support its ____________. a) tactics b) operations c) diplomacy
  8. The Nigerian Armed Forces foster good relations with the civilian population to build trust and ____________. a) cooperation b) resistance c) ignorance
  9. The Nigerian Armed Forces operate in the Army, Navy, and ____________ branches. a) Space Force b) Air Force c) Cyber Force
  10. The Nigerian Armed Forces play an important role in ensuring the safety and security of ____________. a) neighboring countries b) the world c) Nigeria

Lesson Plan Presentation

Lesson Title: Nigerian Armed Forces in ensuring the safety and security of our nation

Objective: To help pupils understand the duties of the Nigerian Armed Forces in ensuring the safety and security of our nation.

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of the Nigerian Armed Forces in action
  • Fill-in-the-blank worksheets on the topic
  • Handouts on the topic

Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greet the pupils and introduce the topic of the lesson.
  • Ask the pupils if they know what the Nigerian Armed Forces are and what they do. [mediator_tech+
  • Explain that the Nigerian Armed Forces are made up of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and their main job is to ensure the safety and security of our nation.

Instruction (15 minutes):

  • Write the main duties of the Nigerian Armed Forces on the board in a bulleted list.
  • Show pictures of the Nigerian Armed Forces in action and explain what they are doing in each picture.
  • Discuss each duty of the Nigerian Armed Forces in more detail, using examples and simple language that the pupils can understand.

Activity (15 minutes):

  • Hand out fill-in-the-blank worksheets on the topic to the pupils.
  • Instruct the pupils to complete the worksheets, using the multiple-choice options to fill in the blanks.
  • Walk around the classroom to ensure that the pupils are on task and to answer any questions they may have.

Closure (5 minutes):

  • Collect the completed worksheets from the pupils.
  • Recap the main duties of the Nigerian Armed Forces and how they ensure the safety and security of our nation.
  • Distribute handouts on the topic to the pupils to take home and share with their families.


  • The pupils’ completion of the fill-in-the-blank worksheets will serve as a form of assessment.
  • The teacher can also assess the pupils’ understanding of the topic through classroom discussion and observation.

Weekly Assessment /Test 

  1. The Nigerian Armed Forces are made up of the Army, Navy, and ____________. a) Air Force b) Space Force c) Cyber Force
  2. The Nigerian Armed Forces’ main job is to ensure the safety and security of our ____________. a) neighbors b) families c) nation
  3. The Nigerian Armed Forces defend the ____________ of Nigeria against external aggression. a) cultural heritage b) territorial integrity c) economic prosperity
  4. The Nigerian Armed Forces protect the lives and property of Nigerian ____________ from internal threats and security challenges. a) politicians b) citizens c) tourists
  5. The Nigerian Armed Forces maintain law and order and enforce the ____________ when necessary. a) principles of democracy b) rule of law c) military dictatorship
  6. The Nigerian Armed Forces provide ____________ aid and support during times of crisis or natural disasters. a) medical b) humanitarian c) educational
  7. The Nigerian Armed Forces participate in ____________ missions to promote regional and global security. a) espionage b) combat c) peacekeeping
  8. The Nigerian Armed Forces conduct military ____________ and education to develop the skills and knowledge of its personnel. a) training b) punishment c) entertainment
  9. The Nigerian Armed Forces develop and maintain military infrastructure and equipment to support its ____________. a) tactics b) operations c) diplomacy [mediator_tech]
  10. The Nigerian Armed Forces foster good relations with the ____________ population to build trust and cooperation. a) civilian b) military c) foreign
  11. The Nigerian Armed Forces provide support for ____________ and disaster management. a) search and rescue b) animal control c) garbage collection
  12. The Nigerian Armed Forces conduct operations against ____________ in the country. a) terrorists b) peaceful protestors c) tourists
  13. The Nigerian Armed Forces provide support for the ____________ and security agencies in the country. a) police b) media c) religious leaders
  14. The Nigerian Armed Forces participate in international ____________ to promote regional and global security. a) festivals b) competitions c) peacekeeping missions
  15. The Nigerian Armed Forces are trained to be ____________ and disciplined in carrying out their duties. a) corrupt b) respectful c) disobedient
  16. The Nigerian Armed Forces operate in the Army, Navy, and ____________ branches. a) Space Force b) Air Force c) Cyber Force
  17. The Nigerian Armed Forces play an important role in ensuring the safety and security of ____________. a) neighboring countries b) the world c) Nigeria
  18. The Nigerian Armed Forces provide security during ____________ and elections. a) concerts b) sporting events c) political rallies
  19. The Nigerian Armed Forces provide support for ____________ missions in the country. a) humanitarian b) military coup c) political
  20. The Nigerian Armed Forces provide ____________ for government officials and facilities. a) protection b) surveillance c) spying [mediator_tech]