Dictation For The Week Primary 5 Second Term Week 9

Subject : English Spelling / Dictation

Class : Primary 5

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 9

Topic : Spelling for the 9th week Second Term Primary 5

Learning Objectives:

Learners are guided to learn the following words : mosquitoes, aggravate, yoghurt, constructive, assuage, deluge, ingredient, vanguard, retreated, convocation


Learning Activities

  1. For home study, each pupil looks up the meaning of the given words
  2. Pupils use their dictionary to learn the transcription and pronunciation of the given words
  3. Pupils make use of the given words in at least a sentence.

Embedded Core Skills 

  1. Communication and collaboration
  2. Critical thinking and problem solving
  3. Digital Literacy
  4. Leadership and Personal development


Learning Resources 

  1. Hardcopy dictionary
  2. Online dictionary 
  3. Textbook or Workbook with definitions, sample sentences, and exercises
  4. Whiteboard or overhead projector
  5. Computer with internet access (optional)



Dictionary meaning of the given words

  1. Mosquito : a small, flying insect that sucks blood from animals and humans.
  2. Aggravate: make a situation worse or more severe.
  3. Yoghurt: a creamy food made from milk that has been fermented by bacteria.
  4. Constructive: helpful and encouraging; tending to improve a situation.
  5. Assuage: make something less severe or intense; alleviate.
  6. Deluge: a large amount of water falling from the sky in a short period of time; a heavy rainstorm.
  7. Ingredient: a component or element of a mixture or recipe.
  8. Vanguard: the forefront of an action or movement; the position of greatest advancement.
  9. Retreated: moved back or away; withdrew.
  10. Convocation: a formal assembly of people, especially one held for a specific purpose, such as to discuss or make decisions about something.


Use the given words in sentences

  1. I swatted a mosquito that was buzzing around my head.
  2. The traffic jam on the highway only served to aggravate my already bad mood.
  3. I had a bowl of strawberry yoghurt for breakfast.
  4. The teacher’s constructive feedback helped me improve my writing skills.
  5. The painkiller helped to assuage my headache.
  6. The deluge of rain caused flooding in the low-lying areas.
  7. Flour is an ingredient in making bread.
  8. The vanguard of the army was the first to engage in battle.
  9. The company retreated their plan to open a new factory due to financial issues.
  10. The convocation of the board of directors was held to discuss the company’s future plans.




  1. What is the meaning of the word “mosquitoes”? a) Small flying insects that can bite and cause itchy welts b) Large land animals c) A type of flower d) A type of fish
  2. What is the meaning of the word “aggravate”? a) To make worse or more severe b) To make better or more pleasant c) To ignore d) To confuse
  3. What is the meaning of the word “yoghurt”? a) A type of soft cheese made from milk b) A type of fruit c) A type of bread d) A type of drink
  4. What is the meaning of the word “constructive”? a) Helpful and useful b) Harmful and destructive c) Boring and unimportant d) Confusing and vague
  5. What is the meaning of the word “assuage”? a) To ease or lessen b) To worsen or increase c) To ignore or neglect d) To exaggerate or enhance
  6. What is the meaning of the word “deluge”? a) A heavy flood of water b) A small stream of water c) A strong wind d) A bright light
  7. What is the meaning of the word “ingredient”? a) A component or part of something b) The entire thing c) The opposite of something d) The result of something
  8. What is the meaning of the word “vanguard”? a) The front part of an army or movement b) The back part of an army or movement c) The middle part of an army or movement d) The last part of an army or movement
  9. What is the meaning of the word “retreated”? a) Moved backwards or withdrew b) Moved forwards or advanced c) Stayed in the same place d) Moved to the side
  10. What is the meaning of the word “convocation”? a) A large gathering or assembly b) A small gathering or assembly c) A solitary person d) A type of bird



Lesson Presentation



  • Begin the class by asking students if they are familiar with any of the words on the list.
  • Introduce the topic of the lesson and explain that they will be learning the dictionary meaning of the words and how to use them in simple sentences.

Direct Instruction:

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups, and provide them with a dictionary and a handout with the words and their meanings.
  • Have them look up the meaning of the words and write a simple sentence using each word.
  • After a few minutes, discuss with the class the meanings and the sentences they came up with.
  • Go over any incorrect or unclear sentences and provide correct examples.

Guided Practice:

  • Provide students with a list of new words or phrases and have them work in groups or pairs to come up with their meanings and simple sentences using them.
  • Monitor the students and provide feedback and correction as needed.

Independent Practice:

  • Assign students to write a short paragraph using at least 5 of the words they learned in the lesson and in context.
  • Encourage them to use the dictionary and the examples provided in class to guide their writing.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and have students share one thing they learned about the words they studied.
  • Remind students that learning new words and understanding their meanings is an important part of expanding their vocabulary and improving their communication skills.


  • Observe students during independent practice and provide feedback on their use of words in context.
  • Collect and grade the short paragraphs as a formal assessment.
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