Religion and Religious Practice In Nigeria

Subject :

Social Studies

Topic :

Traditional Marriage

Class :

Primary 5 / Basic 5 / Year 5


Term :

1st Term

First Term


Week :

Week 10

Reference Materials :  .

Online materials

Scheme of work



Instructional Materials

Holy Bible

Holy Quran

Cowries, Snail shell,



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of.

Modern Marriage In Nigeria 

that was taught in the previous lesson



Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

1.  Explain the meaning of religion

2. Mention the  types of religion that are practise in Nigeria

3. Say the basis of these various religious groups and how they communicate with God Almighty



Teaching Methods 

  • Explanation
  • Demonstration
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modeling



Content :

What is religion ? 

Religion is the mode of worship. It is the way and manner that we worship the Almighty God.

Religion is the way we praise, pray, adore and reverend our creator. Religion guides the way and manner we treat issues of lives and how we relate with one another

What are the three major types of religion in Nigeria

The three major types of religion in Nigeria are

1. Christianity

2. Islam

3. Traditional Religion




The Basic Doctrine Of Christianity 

1. Christians believe in the existence of Almighty God

2. They believe in Trinity which means God the Father, God the son God the Holy Spirit

3. Christians major day or worship is Sunday. They also gather for worship and prayers any other days of the week

4. Christian place of worship is the church

5. Christian main book of worship is the Holy Bible

6. Some Christians fast for forty days that usher in Esther

7. The death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ

8. The second coming of Christ



The Basic Doctrine Of Islam

1. There is only one God who is Allah

2. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) is the prophet of Allah

3. All other prophets were equally sent by God Almighty (ALLAH)

4. Fasting during the period of Ramadan

5. Giving out sakat and offering to the poor and the less privilege

6. Holy pilgrimage to The Holy Land


The Basic Doctrine Of Traditional Rules 

1. They also have believe in the existence of one Supreme being called God Or Eledumare in Yoruba Language or Chineke in Igbo language

2. The Traditional worshippers believe that the other smaller gods or deities are representatives of the God Almighty on planet earth

3. Traditional worshippers believe that Satan is not necessary evil but a messenger of God Almighty that The Almighty uses to discipline any human that misbehaves



What is Religious Tolerance 

Religious tolerance is the ability to endure other people’s religious ideas or believe even though we do not believe or support what the believe in.




What is Religious Intolerance? 

Religious Intolerance in inability to tolerate, endure or persevere other people’s religious beliefs, faith or affiliation. It arises when a religious group specifically refuses to tolerate practices, faith or beliefs on religious grounds. Religious intolerance is rampant in the Northern part of Nigeria and that is one of the reasons that led to the emergence of militia criminal religious bandit group that is know as BOKO HARAM


  1. Joblessness
  2. Impatience
  3. Selfishness
  4. Fanaticism
  5. Corruption
  6. Ethnicity
  7. Ignorance
  8. Mis information


  1. Unfriendly relationships
  2. Riot
  3. Unnecessary killing
  4. Destruction of  properties
  5. Reduce economic activities
  6. Public disturbances
  7. Social unrest and insecurity
  8. Hatred


1. What is religion

2. Mention three major religions in Nigeria

3. Mention two similarities among the three religious groups in Nigeria

4. Mention two differences between Islam and Christianity

5. What is religious tolerance

6. What is BOKO HARAM


Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written. He or she does the necessary corrections when the need arises.


Assignment :

Prepare for the next lesson by reading about

Controlling Religious Intolerance In Nigeria

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