Basic Science and Technology Primary 5 First Term Exams


CLASS: PRIMARY 5                                                                 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE



  • ___________ is the washing away of the top soil (a) circulation (b) erosion (c) pollination
  • The release of harmful substance to the environment is known as _________

(a) pollution (b) weathering (c) erosion

  • There are _______________ types of erosion (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2
  • ________________ is the bony framework of the body which support movement

(a) skeleton (b) respiration (c) lungs

  • The type of rock formed as a result of change from pre-existing rocks is known as ________

(a) sedimentary rocks (b) metamorphic rocks (c) igneous rocks

  • A _______ is a place of contact where two or more bone meet (a) muscle (b) joint (c) skeleton
  • The components of the physical environment occupied with water is called __________

(a) atmosphere (b) hydrosphere (c) cithosphere

  • Which parts of the flower attracts insects (a) petals (b) sepals (c) stalk
  • The male gamete of a flowering plants is made up of _____________ and ___________

(a) ovary and ovum (b) stamen and stigma (c) anther and filament

10.) Which of the following is a solid waste (a) smoke (b) refuse (c) urine


Section B

1.) What is erosion  _____________________________________________________________


b.) List the types of pollution

(a) ________________________________     (b) ________________________________

(c) ________________________________     (d) ________________________________

(e) ________________________________

2.) Define waste ________________________________________________________________


b.) Mention two types of waste

(a) ________________________________     (b) ________________________________

3.) List the three types of rocks                        (a) ________________________________

(b) ________________________________     (c) ________________________________

b.) The component of the physical environments are _____________________________,      _________________________ and ___________________________

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