Class: Basic 2 Subject : Civic Education. Topic: Assessment Questions. Questions :

Class: Basic 2
Subject : Civic Education.
Topic: Assessment Questions.

Questions :

1. ————— is a pupil chosen to help teacher to perform duties in class.
a. Classmaid
b. Class servant
c. Classmonitor

2. ————– and —————– are ‘dos’
and ‘don’t’ that guide behaviour of pupils in schools.
a) disobedience and obedience.
b) rudeness and dishonest.
c) rules and regulations.

3.Punctuality means ——————
a) coming late to school.
b) disturbance in school.
c) coming early to school.

4. Obeying school rules and regulations helps us to be successful.( Yes /No.

5. Every members of a community must disobey the rules and regulations of the community.( True /False.

6. List two rules in your community.
b. —————————

7. Mention three duties of a class monitor.
a. ————————-
b .————————-
c. ————————-

8. Who is a class monitor? ——————

9. Give two qualities of a community leader.

10. Pupils that disobeys the rules and regulations of the bschool will be ————————-

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