

CLASS:::: Primary 3

SUBJECT:::::Social Studies.

TOPIC:::: Technology.


Technology is the skills method to achieve goals.

There are many things we use today that make our lives easy.

They help us to work better in the office, at home and at school

Technology in our Homes.::::::::

There are many things we use today that technology has made possible Today we have electricity. In the past, there was no electricity, so people could only use sunlight, moonlight, and candles for light.
Today,in our kitchens we have blenders.ln the past people used grinding stones.

We use electric irons to iron our clothes, but in the past people used charcoal irons.

We use telephone to speak to people who are far away from us.

We watch television to play video games. In the past, people gathered together in the moonlight to listen to folk tales.

Technology in School

In schools we use pens and pencil to write on paper. In the past people wrote with chalk on slates .

Today computers are used in schools to teach and to learn.The internet has made it easy to access information from all over the world.

Technology in our community.

There are many ways that technology has helped our community become better places to live in.
Today we have street lights and traffic lights that make our roads safer for us all.
Today we have water that comes out of taps. We do not have to dig wells or go to stream to get water

We also have toilet with running water,before people had to dig pits in the ground. Those toilets were called pit latrines.

We also have better means of transportation because of technology. Instead of using animals like donkeys and horses, we now have cars, trains and aeroplanes so we can travel longer distances and faster.

Technology has also improved our methods of communication .
Today, we have phones, and the internet to help us communicate with people over long distances.


(1)What is technology

(2)How has technology changed the way we work at school_________________________________________________________(3)How has technology made our community safety for all of us.____________

(4)Technology makes our lives______and

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